Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

nice bucket

putz said:

That is Nas-T II... rear end in that rig is over $8,000 alone, and a list of custom parts and work that goes on and on... that's a very fair price for the amount of work and money put into it. Just needs to find the right buyer to take it on the show circuit... It's won best in show in every show it's been in to my knowledge and several other awards. In my eyes, the finest T EVER built... wish I had the money to buy it...
I just don't get overloading a T like this. It really kills it for me. The beauty of the Model T is its simplicity. It is like drilling holes in things, a few stratigicly placed are good. Having them everywhere makes it look like swiss cheese and proves you can operate a drill press. To me this is a complete distraction. I guess, I am from the Foose generation 'subtle changes' that improve what you had started with.
LumenAl said:
That is Nas-T II... In my eyes, the finest T EVER built... wish I had the money to buy it...

You are right on there Al. In my opinion(for what its worth) this is the ultimate in show T Buckets. If you wanted to build a show bucket this would be the one you would have to beat.
It just doesn't appeal to me, it looks like it's top heavy. I think it would look better without the two blowers and rear wing on it but that's just me.
RPM said:
You are right on there Al. In my opinion(for what its worth) this is the ultimate in show T Buckets. If you wanted to build a show bucket this would be the one you would have to beat.

You're right Ron... It's clearly a show car and would be impossible for most of use to use as a car like that as a driver that gets a couple thousand plus miles per year of use... It's automotive art as are many purposely built show cars... it's all about attention to every detail and perfection... building something that just grabs your attention even if you don't like T-buckets because of it's wow factor... and clearly NasT II meets all those expectations... but man oh man would it be cool to open my garage and have that sitting in there! :lol:
Think I'm going with Todd on this one. I can appreciate the workmanship and attention to detail, but the overall impression I get is somewhat gaudy. It looks exagerated and out of proportion. In terms of sheer volume I can see where this would be a show stopper, I just prefer cleaner lines.
[ame=[media=youtube]fUIqzmoL0Fk[/media] - T-Bucket Startup[/ame]

[ame=[media=youtube]_n1MZZ__x9s[/media] - Second Startup With Revs[/ame]

Build Video

[ame=[media=youtube]9biMHjPR_X4[/media] - SuperNats[/ame]

I love this bucket.
Now let me explain. I have a bucket. It's crusty and funky and a driver, not shiny, and it would never win a trophy.

It has a bone stock 350 with no performance upgrades at all, no chrome, nothing fancy.

I know LOTS of guys with shiny stuff, lots of performance stuff, tunnel rams, two carbs, blowers, turbos, cammed up, high HP engines.

You don't NEED that stuff oin a bucket. Mine's fast as hell and I can't go full throttle on launch or it sits there spinning the tires.

Why would you add anything more that just palin stock? Because that's what some bucketheads choose to do.

Ron built an awesome bucket he called Nat-T. Big Block engine with a Blower and later he added Nitrous just because. It had really nice graphics and all kindsa really nice stuff. He built it, he showed it, he drove it a bit and then he sold it.

He built the next one and did what HE wanted.

Do you need fancy paint? NO. My car's got less than $25 in paint.

Do you need shiny stuff? NO. Mine has little to none and it starts, runs, drives (lots of miles) and stops.

Do ya need a Blower? NO.

Do ya need TWO Blowers? NO.

Do ya need big fat wide tires? NO


I guess my point it that you can do anything to make a T Bucket your own and it don't mean SQUAT what other people think about your bucket... but if others dig it then - COOL, whatever.
I guess pure show cars have a different purpose to our street driven and drag raced toys.

There have been a few buckets built over the years (late 80s maybe) that, to me anyway, do stand out. A black one with a blown Arias hemi Chev engine & low screen & roof, and an orange one with huge slicks and a blown big block and the same low screen, low roof look. They both had a pretty good rake on them too.

I would be happy to end up with something similar, but at 6ft1 I cant fit down that low.

As for the showbucket, I think it needs more rake, but I can appreciate the work that went into it
something like that would be great to have to show and one not so great to drive. Thats if I had the money.:toast:
I can really appreciate the time, skills and $$$$$$ that go into a build like this. It is, without a doubt a piece of automotive art. For the purpose it was built, it did a great job. Would I build one like it? Probably not. Would I look it over for ideas? Damn straight I would! This is were it could get dicy, I look at rat rods too for ideas.

I agree with everyone that i admire some of the work and time that went into it and yea i look to it for ideas and then think of a way to do it for as cheap as possible because i want to drive my car not look at it in a trailer behind me.
T-Odd said:

Dang thats a pretty nice bucket sure sounds mean. Thanks guys for the comments, I noticed some that werent so impressed and that is good because a lot of people have different views on hot rods, if we were all the same it really would be boring. But i betcha if ya saw it in person and heard it run you most likely would change your mine, and if that didnt work i would take ya for a ride and i know that would. I have extra door knobs for the passenger seat, :D
Thanks guys for the nice comments on the T, some of you dont see it well thank god we are not all alike that is what is so nice about this wonder world we live in, I have heard every comment possible about this ride and I would say that maybe 80% were good and the other 20% were from people that just don't see it, But then I fired it up and let them sit in it to find out you can see (sorta), I can see my right front tire can you see yours that is what I tell them. Out of that 20% that really couldnt see it well I would say that about 19.5% of them said now this is hot, all it took was to sit in it and let me fire it up that is it. When you sit in a car that has this much mass and this much HP (1340+) you would change your mind also, maybe not but you would like it. When I get in the car and fuel is on and key switch is on I start shaking then when it starts its more shaking I get real nervice when I drive this car. It is not a daily driver it is a show car, but I can take this car at anytime to the local sonic cruz nights or the local Hooters car shows with no problem except the 2.14 MPG. The plus you see next to the HP well that is with 3 pulls @5800 the tires would just spin, I told him no more then 6000rpm well 5800 tires spin. The car is to light to have that much hp; he could hardly get it to 5800. Real slow and steady, heck i burned a half a tank of gas. The only problem I am having with the car now is Crankcase pressure and lots of it, so I contacted a real good friend and the bike buddy of mine in CA and he is the designer of this item.

This piece is unbelievable and works fantastic, even improved my 3" of vacuum to 12.

Again thank you all for the comments, all it does is make the next one better, good or bad we cant please them all.:lol:

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