Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

non T... Vintage Motorcycles


Hey LumenAl and any of you other scooterheads out there...

[ame=[media=youtube]p-xWAWSvrjY[/media] - 1925 Harley cutdown[/ame]
I've got a 1945 Simplex that I'm putting a bigger engine on and some other stuff to make it rideable on the streets. Cool old machine.
Here's my latest... a little Kikker Bobber.

This thing is the definition of "fun on two wheels"


That's my little brother B-Rad (little haha, he's 6'7")


It's smaller than the Wide Glide for sure.



They now have a 200cc single, this 110cc will have to do until next year.


That'll have to do until B-Rad learns how to take a better picture of me.
Yeppers Al, it has a jockey shifted, auto? 4 speed. I'd prefer a clutch but you don 't get that unless you upgrade to the 200cc. I lucked into getting this one for about half price and jumped on it.

Can ride it around a while to test it out, check out the quality, then sell it and upgrade to the 200cc in the spring if possible.

Fun little bike for sure.

Lots of videos on youtube of the 110cc Kikker and 200cc also.

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