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(North) East Coast T-Bucket Gathering – York, PA - June 4-6

Track T-4

Supporting Member
Supporting Member
If you’re looking for a Buckethead gathering on the east coast this summer and can’t make the Somerset, KY meet then plan to join us the weekend of June 4-6 for the 37[sup]th[/sup] NSRA Street Rod Nationals East at the York Expo Center in York, Pennsylvania. This NSRA meet historically attracts upwards of 4,000 street rods and this year has added cars up to 1960 so this should be a super event. In the past there have been a number of T-Buckets in attendance and this year we plan to increase that count. Why pick this venue to gather the T-Buckets? Well, this is an established event and certainly makes the planning easier but you also just can’t beat everything the NSRA offers over the three-day weekend.

The details for 2010 will be published soon but there is always a lot going on during the weekend. There is plenty of space - four large air-conditioned buildings and plenty of grounds for parking and cruising. There are always many commercial exhibitors/vendors in the Expo Center, a huge vintage parts swap meet, MANY awards, prizes and cash given out, a Thursday evening kick-off party with a rock-and-roll concert/dance every night, technical seminars, a downtown parade, Women’s World arts and crafts fair, ladies tea, and a whole lot more.

Event registration:
$25 for a NSRA member and $55 for non-members - these are discounted rates if paid before May 14[sup]th[/sup]. There is an additional $10 after that date. Details and the registration form can be found here:

This is a NSRA-run event so you might consider joining. The cost is $30 for an annual membership (and then just pay the $25 member registration fee). Membership includes the monthly magazine, Streetscene, which has a lot of color photos, articles and event coverage. You can get additional details here:

There are a number of hotels and other lodging in the York area and they’re filling up fast. Here is a list of the lodging available in the area:
The York Convention and Visitors Bureau will also assist you. Don’t wait, the Holiday Inn already has a waiting list…if you’re planning to join us, start making your reservations soon.

Trailer Parking:
Many of the hotels have room for trailer parking so check when you make your reservations. In addition, there is usually parking at the Expo Center for truck/trailer parking for a reasonable fee.

What’s the York meet like?:
If you want to check out the 2009 meet, search YouTube for “2009 NSRA York” to find several videos or see photos at http://drchop.smugmu...554767516_szHVP

This is a big event and coordinating between different hotels will be challenging but we’ll do our best with cell phones and the Internet. We’ll keep the weekend planning loose and simple this first year so folks can enjoy the weekend and think about expanding next year. If there is enough interest we’ll coordinate a group dinner one evening. Rest assured we’ll all be gathering at the York Expo grounds during the day where there is plenty of room to cruise and park together. Watch this thread for updates as they become available. Interested? Questions? Come out and join us!
Count me in I have just booked rooms at the Sheraton. Sounds like the rooms in the area are going fast. I know there are a number of buckets in the Lehigh Valley area of PA, this will be a great event to show off your bucket and find out who else shares the passion

Glad to hear you have your reservations in. I heard offline from a couple of others that are joining us. We'll get more details from NSRA in the next couple of months and I'll post them here.

No updates yet but a reminder for the east coast folks that we're gathering at the York NSRA Meet in June.
Come on out and join us!
Here are photos of some of the T's that were at York in 2009:













The current issue of Street Scene has the application forms for entry into the York show. Sending in this week See you there. All we need are a few more to commit and join us for this good time.
Fast Eddy,

Great! If you haven't already, start nailing down a room using the links provided above, they are going quickly. I'll post updates as they come along.


I just received the latest Streetscene magazine. If you're looking to attend the York meet AND spend a little extra time there's plenty more to do in the area. Here's a partial list:

Laugerman's Museum. The oldest Harley-Davidson dealer in Pennsylvania. a museum and extensive collection of classis motorcycles.

Wolfgang Candy. Free tour of the candy-making process, museum and turn-of-the century ice cream soda fountain and Das Sweeten Haus candy store.

Antique Auto Club of America Museum. Eight decades of horsepower enthusiasm, a variety of full exhibits including a restored 1941 diner and a drive-in. Muscle Car Mania, special exhibition on display from April to September.

Harley-Davidson Vehicle Operations Tour
. Established as an assembly facility in 1973, the largest Harley-Davidson manufacturing facility. Explore exhibits that detail the plant's history, and guide you through the manufacturing and assembly processes.

Agricultural & industrial Museum. 12,000 square foot transportation wing, including York-manufactured automobiles.

York Time Institute. Offers an up-close glimpse at the hub of activity in a master timekeeper's shop. For over 30 years, York Tie Institute founder, Dan Nied has kept perfect time with the conversation, restoration and repair of antique timepieces, as well as manufacturing of custom watches and clocks.

Markets at Shrewsbury. From traditional Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine to more exotic dining options like alligator sausage, you'll find it here, crafts, furniture, spices, baked goods and much more.

The Shoe House. Experience an eccentric millionaire's fantasy come to life on a tour of the Shoe House. A 1948 outlandish advertising gimmick.

Anyone else joining us? Watch here for further updates.

Fast Eddy thanks. I have a room at the Sheraton coming in on Thursday afternoon sometime. Send me an e-mail with your cell # and I will give a call when we get in.

Hey guys

Just seeing these picture makes joining the Forum worth while. The numbers of Buckets you guys have is way beyond what we have in the UK and it is mind blowing to see pictures of them
I think at last years fun run there was less than 20 with a total of maybe 250 cars. Compared to bakersfied, when i went there. 1400 cars i was told.
hey i am trying to make this event, although my bucket isnt driveable yet i still like seeing others and getting ideas for mine.
hey i am trying to make this event, although my bucket isnt driveable yet i still like seeing others and getting ideas for mine.

Youngn look forward to seeing you there. Track 4T, Bruce, do the cars stay on the grounds at night or what is the status of security?

Some people keep their cars at the grounds but most take them back to the hotel, there is security at the gates but I'm not sure if they patrol the grounds at night. Only registered cars are allowed through the gates but no one checks what's leaving. I usually take my car back and park it in the trailer but you'll see alot of folks parked at the hotel under a cover. Not sure what is the level of hotel security.

BTW, I just read they have $78,000 in Super Prize Giveaways plus the what they call the "NSRA Sunday Lucky $weep$take$." Should be a good weekend.

We'll have to exchange cell phone numbers off-line...I'll get with Fast Eddy too.

Youngn - Stop by and say hello, we'll be there.
PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We like pics.

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