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Nostalgia Drag Race

I will get around to posting photos eventually it's just a pain when they are always too big to upload and having to go through a resizer site
We did a drag race once with our local nostalgia race group. I just can't remember what our run time was.
I do remember to qualify to run we had to take our canvas top off (which probably made her run faster anyway).
When I bought mine it was set up for drag racing. 427 4 speed with a 4:56 rear and a spool. I don’t know what it ran, I only bounced it around on a back road before buying it, then I dismantled it to make it mine. It was rowdy.
Sounds like it would have definitely been a handful
Bingo! It was built with only rear brakes and they were non functional when I bought it. Fortunately we live in a rural area. As irresponsible as that was, it was a flashback to my juvenile days of building go carts and beginning to wrench on hot rods. Isn’t that the entire purpose for these things?
When I bought mine it was set up for drag racing. 427 4 speed with a 4:56 rear and a spool. I don’t know what it ran, I only bounced it around on a back road before buying it, then I dismantled it to make it mine. It was rowdy.
PLEASE tell us you have an old photo of that thing to share with us here!
Bingo! It was built with only rear brakes and they were non functional when I bought it. Fortunately we live in a rural area. As irresponsible as that was, it was a flashback to my juvenile days of building go carts and beginning to wrench on hot rods. Isn’t that the entire purpose for these things?
All my land speed friends joke about not needing brakes as they only slow you down!

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