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Notification E-mails


Well-Known Member
The forum software makes use of your registered e-mail address for various notifications. For those of you who like to "watch" particular threads, you can get an e-mail sent to you when a reply is made to a thread. Likewise, when someone sends you a Personal Conversation, you will get an e-mail to notify you of the new PC.

There are a couple ways these e-mails can be sent. One is for the e-mail to contain the full text about the message about which you are being notified. The other is for the e-mail to simply supply you with a link to the message, which would require you to actually visit the forum, in order to see the full text.

I'm a lazy git, so I have the messages set up to display the full text of the messages you are being notified about. I get a lot of PCs and some of them require some pretty immediate attention, whilst others are not pressing in the least. Being able to make the decision about how much priority the message needs is a bonus for me, particularly when I am elbows-deep in the code on another site.

But for some reason, since the conversion to XenForo, a large number of you are trying to reply to these notification e-mails, via an e-mail message. If Member A gets an e-mail notification saying Member B has sent him a PC, Member A can read that PC's text in the e-mail. But if Member A tries to reply via e-mail, Member B doesn't get the reply. I get it, instead. And as long as everyone is playing nicely with the PC system, I really don't want/need/care to read into messages meant for other people.

I've edited the template code for these two e-mail messages, to add that these messages should not be replied to via e-mail, but the included forum links should be visited, instead. I've also set up a new e-mail address for all forum-based e-mails to be sent from and have set up an Auto-Responder to notify people they are replying to an automated e-mail address with no human there to read the messages. Once the Auto-Responder has replied to say it is an automated address, the incoming message will be deleted. So you have been forewarned if you take the time to type up a response to send via e-mail, that response will never be seen by human eyes.
OK, I've had to make the change. Using the dead-end e-mail address was preventing me from getting e-mail responses to notification e-mails, but it was also cutting me off from an administrative e-mail I really need to be seeing each day.

You will still get notification e-mails when you have new Private Conversations or when threads you are watching get new replies. But those e-mails will no longer contain the text of those PC's or posts, like they once did. I know, I know, it's an inconvenience and I don't care for it any more than you do. But when people were replying to these notification e-mails and making me privy to their PC's, that was rather inconvenient, as well. It is what it is, so if I can get used to it, I'm confident you can do the same.
We can work with it I assure you..................


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