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NTBA Lobsta Run cancelled


Staff member
Some more disappointing news. We have to cancel the Lobsta Run, September 17-19 in South Portland, Maine.
Talking with Jeremy and Ben, it was decided for the best interest of all members and attendees. Again, with a high risk and long distances to travel, we realized many of you who wanted to make this event, would have been unable to. We also unanimously decided to give those Lobsta’s another year to grow, and be bigger for next year!
Jeremy mentioned getting some locals to go cruising during those day’s, but it would not be the three day or week long NTBA event. This event will be delayed until next year, and will take place most likely the same week in 2021.
I know it’s been a disappointing year, but we can all understand why we have to do it. So let’s keep looking forward to next year, starting in April. One of my favorite sayings is “it’ll be here before we know it!”
Thanks again for your understanding.
Bruce DeAngelis
NTBA President
Sad again and that makes 2020 an almost total loss.......New Zealand was the only run that got in before this Covid19 crap.............
Sad news! That is a great group of guys and a very fun run!

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