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Off Topic, Chevrolet Anti Theft switch ?

Baby Huey

New Member
Does anyone out there have any experience with the Anti-Theft switch on the Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu's, bout a 2001 ??

My son has one, it runs like a top (when it starts) , he bought it new. But has had trouble getting it started. Sometimes it just turns over , no fire. Other times it just clicks, and hummzzzzz, dash lights all come on, sometimes they don't...... ??
Last winter we had this problem and I looked it up on the internet, I read where lots were having the same problem and it was traced to a Anti Theft Switch, supposed to cost around $400.00 !! The Battery was dead so we replaced it, seemed to start and run ok til lately..
I was wondering if any of you had a problem like this..?
I really don't feel it's a Fuel pump problem, once it starts it runs great, but it's a intermittant NO START and it's kinda hard to drive with 3 little kids in the car...
Thank's for any help !....... "BH" :mad:
I am not familiar with this set-up, but that said, can you bypass this switch. Maybe get a schmatic and bypass the anti- thieft switch. If that does not fix the problem - then at least it could point you in the right direction. Kind of sounds like a wire shorting to ground intermittly. May have to get out the VOM and start checking continuity. Bummer, I hate fixing something that is almost broke, seems like it is always almost fixed. :lol:
We replaced the ignition switch....($108.00 Auto Zone)
Then we removed the key/tumbler and then we found the Anti Theft Switch, ontop of the key/tubler set up.
New ones are over $200.00......So we put it back together and tried it.....Nothin, it made a quick click and the Tach went up to 5000RPM, the Speedometer went to 50 mph.....thats it. No dash lights, no starter solinoid click, nothin...
We gotta get this thing figgered out or take it to a dealer...He'd like to trade it off, but can't unless it runs. It's a nice car, new paint, clean, well kept. Just can't trust it with kids......"BH"
look for a gm technical service bulletin site... dodge has one, a technical service bulletin might be listed for your car and the particular problem your having.. good luck
Keeper said:
Call your local junk yard. If you pull it you should be able to grab one for around $50 or so. (Probably get the whole column for $125)

This Ignition key is NOT located in the Column, it's in the dash just above and to the left of the radio, remove the radio for access.
Problem is the Theft switch is actually part of the tumbler. So to remove another switch, you'd have to have the key....
He plans to buy a NEW one tomarrow and if that doesn't work, haul it to a dealership....This in pure mental anguish trying to sort this thing out ,believe me! "BH"
Brucer said:
look for a gm technical service bulletin site... dodge has one, a technical service bulletin might be listed for your car and the particular problem your having.. good luck

Thank's Bruce, we found lots of info on line..."BH"
If you have not sorted this out here are some clips from the gm services manual.

Intermittent No Crank, No Start (Clean Battery Side Terminal Stripped Threads, Replace Battery Cable Bolt) #02-06-04-015

Intermittent No Crank, No Start (Clean Battery Side Terminal Stripped Threads, Replace Battery Cable Bolt) 2001-2002 Passenger Cars and Trucks

Some customers may comment on an intermittent no crank, no start condition.

This condition may be due to poor battery cable connections. This may be caused by cross-threaded battery cable bolts at the battery side post terminals. It should be noted that the steel threads in the battery side post terminals are harder than the threads on the battery cable bolts. Generally, the bolt threads will strip before the battery post threads.

To avoid replacing the battery , the technician may be able to clean the threads in the battery side post terminals. The technician may accomplish this by using a 3/8 - (16) inch NC bottom tap, which by design, will allow the technician to clean most of the threaded area inside of the battery side post terminal. The battery cable bolt , which is serviced separately from the cable through Service Parts Operation, can then be replaced. The technician should ensure the correct bolt is used.
Warranty Information

For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:

Vehicle Theft Deterrent (VTD) Description and Operation

Passlock System

The Passlock System is provided in order to prevent vehicle theft if the ignition lock cylinder is forced to rotate or the ignition switch is operated while separated from the ignition lock cylinder case. If starting is attempted without authorization from the Passlock System, the powertrain control module (PCM) will disable the fuel injectors causing the engine to stall immediately after starting.
The components of the Passlock System are as follows:

  • The ignition lock cylinder and key
  • The ignition lock cylinder case, including the Passlock Sensor
  • The ignition switch
  • The body control module (BCM)
  • The security indicator on the instrument cluster
  • The powertrain control module (PCM)
Ignition Lock Cylinder Case, Including the Passlock Sensor

The ignition lock cylinder fits inside the ignition lock cylinder case and operates the ignition switch when turned by a key with the proper mechanical cut. When the ignition key is used to turn the ignition lock cylinder to crank, start, a magnet on the lock cylinder passes close to the Passlock Sensor within the ignition lock cylinder case. The magnet activates the Security Hall Effect Sensor in the Passlock Sensor which completes a circuit from the security sensor signal circuit through a resistor to the security sensor low reference circuit. The resistance value will vary from vehicle to vehicle.
If a magnet from outside of the ignition lock cylinder case is used to attempt to steal the vehicle, the Tamper Hall Effect Sensor will be activated. This completes a circuit from the security sensor signal circuit through a tamper resistor to the security sensor low reference circuit bypassing the security resistor. If the ignition switch is forced to rotate without the correct key, or if the ignition lock cylinder is removed by force, the Passlock Sensor will be damaged and will not operate.
Ignition Switch

The ignition switch contains the wiring and electrical switching portion of the column mounted ignition assembly. The ignition switch includes wiring pigtails which connect it to the base of column connector, the Passlock Sensor on the ignition lock cylinder case, and other components. The wiring for the Passlock Sensor is unaffected by ignition switch position. The electrical switch portion is operated by the key and lock cylinder when they are rotated within the ignition lock cylinder case. The ignition switch operates the crank relay regardless of the status of the Passlock System.
Body Control Module (BCM)

The BCM contains the logic of the theft deterrent system. The BCM provides the battery positive voltage to operate the Passlock Sensor. The BCM also measures the voltage of the security sensor signal circuit. The voltage measured will indicate whether the Passlock Sensor has been activated and whether the resistance value from the sensor is a valid value or the tamper value. If voltage measured is in the valid range, the BCM compares this voltage, voltage code, to a previously learned voltage code. If the voltage codes match, the BCM sends a class 2 message containing a password to the PCM. If the voltage codes do not match, or the voltage is in the Tamper range, or there is a circuit fault, the BCM will not send the correct password to the PCM, and the vehicle will not start.
Powertrain Control Module

The powertrain control module (PCM) contains the remainder of the logic of the theft deterrent system. If a class 2 message containing a valid password is received from the BCM, the PCM will continue to allow the fuel injectors to operate. The PCM will allow the fuel injectors to operate until it decides there is no valid password coming from the BCM. If the PCM does not receive a class 2 message, or receives a class 2 message with an incorrect password, the engine will crank and will not run or will start and stall immediately.
Theft System Indicator

The IPC illuminates the theft deterrent indicator as determined by the theft deterrent system. The IPC receives a class 2 message from the BCM requesting illumination.

  • The vehicle theft deterrent (VTD) system requests the IPC to illuminate the indicator only when the ignition switch is ON.
  • The content theft deterrent (CTD) system requests the IPC to illuminate the indicator only when the ignition switch is in the OFF or ACC positions or during RAP.
  • The body control module performs the displays test at the start of each ignition cycle. The indicator illuminates for approximately 3 seconds.
Fuel Lockout Cycle

When it receives a password which is incorrect or a password which indicates tamper and the PCM disables the fuel injectors, the fuel injectors remain disabled for 10 minutes even if the ignition switch is turned from the RUN position to the OFF position.
Changing the Passlock Components

The following components contain codes or passwords, or must learn codes or passwords for the Passlock system to allow the vehicle to start:

  • The ignition lock cylinder case
  • BCM
  • The powertrain control module (PCM)
If any of these parts are replaced, a learn procedure must be performed. Refer to Programming Theft Deterrent System Components . If parts are replaced and a learn procedure is not performed, the engine will crank and will not run or will start and stall immediately.

There is more if you want it
and one more

Programming Theft Deterrent System Components

Programming Replacement Passlock Sensor, BCM, or PCM


Due to component variability, the vehicle theft deterrent (VTD) system must have the learn procedure performed regardless, if the vehicle starts on the first ignition cycle after a VTD repair.
All codes in the theft deterrent module must be cleared for a relearn.


  • [*]The body control module (BCM) must be programmed with the proper RPO configurations before performing learn procedures. Refer to Body Control Module (BCM) Programming/RPO Configuration in Body Control System.
    [*]If replacing the BCM with a GM Service Parts Operations (SPO) replacement part, the module will learn passlock sensor data code immediately. The existing PCM however, must learn the new fuel continue password when the BCM is replaced.
    [*]If replacing a PCM with a GM Service Parts Operations (SPO) replacement part, after programming, these modules will learn the incoming fuel continue password immediately upon receipt of a password message. Once a password message is received, and a password is learned, a learn procedure must be performed to change this password again. A PCM which has been previously installed in another vehicle will have learned the other vehicle's fuel continue password and will require a learn procedure after programming to learn the current vehicle's password.

Use this procedure after replacing any of the following:

  • Passlock Sensor
  • BCM
  • PCM
10 Minute Learn Procedure

  1. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
  2. Attempt to start the engine, then release the key to ON, vehicle will not start.
  3. Observe the SECURITY telltale, after approximately 10 minutes the telltale will turn OFF.
  4. Turn OFF the ignition, and wait 5 seconds.
  5. The vehicle is now ready to relearn the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or passwords on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK. Important

    The vehicle learns the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or password on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK. You must turn the ignition OFF before attempting to start the vehicle.
  6. Start the engine, the vehicle has now learned the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or password.
  7. With a scan tool, clear any DTCs if needed, history DTCs will self clear after 100 ignition cycles.
Thank's KEEPER for all your help. We took a day off today for "mental Anguish", and may work on it more this week. For now it's sitting in the driveway. We have cleaned and rechecked the batt terminals (SIDE mounts), they apear to be in good condition...
Strange why the Tach goes to 5000RPM and the Speedo goes to 50 MPH and there is no other lights ,horn or anything.....No start, NO Crank, No Clicks, Nothin.....

Thank's Again ! "BH"
I don't have no stinkin code reader....LOL I got one for Fordz (don't own one !) but not for da Chebby..
We disconnected the battery for a couple dayz,put in a new ignition switch, hooked up the battery, it fired right off and has been running for the last few days with no trouble at all...
Just got a call, they are on the way to a couple car dealers to trade it off before somethin else goes south !
That car has gremlins in the electrical system...
Baby Huey said:
I don't have no stinkin code reader....LOL I got one for Fordz (don't own one !) but not for da Chebby..
We disconnected the battery for a couple dayz,put in a new ignition switch, hooked up the battery, it fired right off and has been running for the last few days with no trouble at all...
Just got a call, they are on the way to a couple car dealers to trade it off before somethin else goes south !
That car has gremlins in the electrical system...

lol..our Intrepid has the same issues, we traded it in yesterday for an HHR. Once the electrical gremlins get in...there is no other choice.
Well, it's a good piece of mind, especially when his wife has it and the three kids with her ages 6mo. to 6 years. Last winter it died in South East Portland, blowin rainin, cold winter ,dark night, a baaaaad place to be if the car don't work. Had to have it towed home $400.00 !
They bought a "Mazda5", fit the kids car seats, the payment fit, done deal !! And the best part is.......My phone don't ring for a "Service Call" !! LOL....."BH"
YUP, I got a 93 Mazda B2200 short bed PU, 4 Cyl. 5 spd...(No radio :sad:) Runs like a top, gets good milage:razz:, and it has a whole 53K miles on it, bought it New. Paints goin away on the top. NOOOOOOO, it's NOT a FURD !! :welcome: "BH"

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