Car looks great, and an interior will really finish it off nicely.

I like the color of your body too.
I had a fiasco with the upholstery shop that did my T, and it still isn't the way I would like it to be, so somewhere down the road I'm gonna have another shop tear it out and redo it. But for now it is at least servicable.
I just assumed (thats what I get for assuming) that every upholstery guy in the world knew what you meant when you say "I want a rolled and pleated interior." My T is built sort of '50 style, and I wanted a traditional rolled and pleated job done. His shop is in the same complex as my shop so I wheeled it down there and left it with him.
Couple days later I walk in and he is half done, and the interior looks like an overstuffed sofa!!

He had it all puffy and the roll around the top had huge gatherings of fabric, like you see on those cheap living room couches. When I caught my breath I had to tell him it that was NOT going to stay in my car. He was not happy, but I had him tear it all out and start over.
He finally got it to the point where I just said it was ok, but still not what I really wanted. For example, I wanted the upholstery to roll up over the top of the body and use some hideum up there to hide the seam between body and upholstery, and he left a gap there.
Hope your interior goes smoother than mine. Post some pictures when you get it home.