Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

One or Three Wire Alternator?


New Member
I knew that I wanted to use the three wire hookup to my alternator. For a good discussion of this see: The voltage on my car has held right @ 14 volts constantly, with, or without a load. I have only had one issue that was easily overcome. It was a cold solder joint on the main ground lug to the frame. But recently the voltage was climbing to 15.5 regularly, under load or not. I found that the two wire connector on the alternator which reports system voltage to the internal regulator was dirty. This told the regulator that the voltage was low, and the result was an overcharging condition. After cleaning both the alternator spades, and the connector terminals with abrasive, and carb. cleaner, the voltage returned to 14 volts as usual.:eek:
A recent experience with an industrial forklift revealed a broken wire connection at the same place. This caused the alternator to not charge at ALL. The unit tested good off the machine, but wouldn't charge on the machine. :lol:
plain old fashioned gm 10SI three wire here too, all sanded out nice and polished. Only way to fly..

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