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One year. A Reflection.


Well-Known Member
Well, the one year mark for my T bucket came and I forgot all about it!:o I guess it wasn't as important to me as I thought it was. However, today I did sit back and look at where I am and where I started. I gave myself a pat on the back and probably smiled a bit too.

I have yet to add up my reciepts:eek: and probably won't until I'm done. I'm sure I will meet my goal of $10,000 or less. Looking back, if I had gotten the kit, it would have arrived today. I'd be all happy and running around gathering tools. I would also have saved quite a bit of money with a basic kit. Unfortunately, that would also be my down fall. Once I get excited and into something, I tend to rush and sometimes when I rush, I screw up. I probaly would have screwed up to the point of giving up. So, I think in that sence, I did the right thing by building it the way I did. I took my time between steps and had lots of time to plan ahead. It seems to have worked well for me. So, you guys thinking about getting into this, the kit is the way to go, money wise.

I have had a chance to meet some great people while I'm building this hot rod. Some in person and some are just posts on the net and phone calls, but I have enjoyed them all. I have gotten a whole new respect for hot rods. Now when I see one, I know what I'm REALLY looking at and I have an even greater appreciation for the people that build and own them.

Who knows what the next months will bring. With any luck, I'll be cranking her up next month and may have the body by Christmas. Time will tell.

So, Happy Anniversary, Miss Behavin'.

Happy anniversary to you Fred.

It's actually been a year since I started trying to plan my visit to Total with Brian. And it ended up being April of this year before I finally made it. I've just decided that time is not going to be a factor in this build. When you start establishing deadlines, then you run the risk of cutting a corner to meet those deadlines. So just keep building at your own pace and then everything will end up just as you planned.

I may need someone to pick me up and sit me in the car before it is finished, but I'll be sure to cruise the assisted care centers to visit the rest of you. :lol:
Congradulations Fred, Looking forward to seeing more pic's of your car and getting excited for you and your startup. What body are you getting by the way? I'm thinking I should be able to start my car by Jan. 08'.

Thanks, guys. Thomas, I'm going with Totals regular body. Mainly because it is sure to fit. I'm having the wood installed for the floor and interior, simply because I don't have the time, patience or skill to install it properly and I want it done right.:o I'll probably have them drill the holes for the gauges too. My thinking is, if they screw it up, they can make it right.
Congrats Fred on the one year mark! I've learn so much from you Mike, Thomas and all while be a devoted lurker. While I am still trying to gain the wifes approval, you guys have made my day more than you know. I've always been told it is easier to get foregivness than it is permission...:think:
You bucket is looking great. KEEP IT UP!

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