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Open Letter To The Forum


Active Member
I would just like to clarify my earlier post that seemed to cause some friction. First off, I only offered the drum versus disk choice as I see it. My opinions are just that, my opinions. I never told or advised anyone to choice either. I only said what my choice would be.

As to the drilling of drum brake. To this day I have never seen or heard of anyone drilling the drum flange and that was how I read the response from Ted. If people do that then I would like to know more about it. I do know that race cars from the drum brake days did in fact drill lightning and cooling holes in the backing plates as well as in the drum sides. The drums themselves are in fact cast or stamped steel(some were aluminum) with iron inserts. Being that the liners are cast iron. I still stand by my objections to drilling holes in them.

Now, back to the original choice of drums versus disk. I will repeat myself, either are fine. It is purely a personal choice. Ii have no reason to try to influence anyone in their decision. I have no reason or desire to hurt anyones feelings or positions on any subject. You will see that it is very rare that I will just out and out say something is wrong or incorrect without being asked. But if I do see something that is completely wrong or dangerous then I think I should say so. I surely want the same from others that disagree with my work or advise. As this is a forum that encourages the sharing of information, advise and friendship I would think everyone should speak up when they feel the need. If I am wrong in my thinking then pleas tell me so. I'm a big boy and I don't get hurt feelings. There are a number of guys here that are in my age bracket (as in +60) and they have a great deal of knowledge and experience and they all seem very willing to share it. There are also some younger and even some older 1st time builders that ask questions because they want that knowledge. I feel that it is in their and everyones best interest to answer those questions the best we can. If we give out bad advise then somewhere down the line they will give out that same bad advise. Just remember back when you were young and hanging out at a local garage soaking up ideas and tips. In later years you probably realized that some of that advise really wasn't that good after all.

The future of hot rodding is really changing these days. Due to the looming economic situation I feel there will be a big shake out in the custom built cars by professional shops. A number of kit and parts companies will close as we are now seeing. Hot rodding will go back to it's roots. Cars will be built in home garages by guys just like us and it's future will depend on the passing of the torch. We now are the holders of that torch.

So in closing this very long winded rant, just let me say this:
Ted Brown, if I insulted or hurt your feelings in anyway then I truly apologize. It was not my intention to do so. And when you get to Arkansas then you will be welcome in my shop anytime.

And to the rest of you. I will still look and think about things or questions posted here. And unless you ask me to leave then I will from time to time voice my opinion. I really enjoy all of you and look forward to a long term relationship on this forum. Thank you for your time.

You are by no means insulting anybody i see comments as take it of leave it advise.The best way anybody is going to learn to build these contraptions is by trial and error just like we have done since the 50s and 60s. Im 60(in two days)Happy birthday to me.Anyway some things work for some with no logical explination but what works for one might not work for others.Ted says we all do our front ends wrong.Well so be it i dont go 90 mph around the California Canyons.I go straight and turn sometimes and no problems with my front end.Is Ted wrong?Nope he's dead on with the Ackerman stuff but it comes down to how you use your bucket.I'll hand this off to someone else now.

I thought your original posting was fine... you stated your point of view and why you felt it was important... No different than the original post you responded to... If we all thought the same then we'd all drive the same thing... anyway, it made sense to me, but I'm just a simple guy... all is good here.
i agree with the rest...i see no foul here. your opinion is shared buy others. hope to see more posts from you.

Floyd you are a good guy and very knowledgeable. Please dont stop posting because of a difference in opinion. The reason why so many are drawn to this site is the knowledge ,and the patience of those with it ,show those of us without it. Whoever thinks there can be only one way to do something is mistaken. All they have to do is look at pictures of these cars, their isnt two alike. I respect all opinions even though i dont agree with all of them.
I tried to give you a call. Just wanted to let you know that you need to stick around and keep sharing your opinions. We all need to ask questions when what we read doesn't sound right and explain when asked. I know sometimes what is in my head doesn't always get to the keyboard, so I proof read even after I post.
Bottom line, It's all good! :rock:
When the time comes that we are affraid to speak up or give an opinion, the Webmaster should shut this place down as it has los it's usefulness. While there are a lot of older guys here with years of experience, there are no "T Bucket Gods". We read, we share and we ALL are better for it.

So, speak your mind. I like to read what is going on and I'm able to take or ignore what I choose. We all have that choice. No two of these cars are the same and that also goes for the people who build them.
George don't leave over this. You and I have talked on the phone here several times the last few days. You are entitled to you opinion just like others. I whole heartly agree with you and what you had to say. Let everyone take what they want from what is said. There is no one way to build these cars. Just because someone does not build it the way I would does not make it wrong.

George you need to post some of those links you sent me to some of the stuff you have been working on. You need a some credit for your talents.
I would agree this site is full of great ideas and opinions and that is what is great about it. I may not agree with every one, but I try to read it all to get what I want and what I want is not what someone else my want but that is what makes it great.
I don't particularly like yellow T Buckets but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any.

Some folks LOVE their Yella Buckets, my opinion shouldn't make them change what THEY like should it?

If I give someone asked "should I paint this car black or should I paint it yellow" my response would be 100% without a doubt BLACK.

That don't mean it's right or wrong.

Seriously, I'm not a fan of yellow for some reason. Can't explain it.

But I do recognize the affection yellow bucket owners have for their cars and THAT is 100% what this is all about. You make your car what YOU want. You do what makes YOU happy (as long as it's safe I have no problemo).

Along the way someone asks for advice and requests people's opinions about
whatever... we all offer what we feel needs to be said, we all offer advice and give facts to support our opinions. That's just a conversation, not an argument.

I'm going to finish off these Thin Mints and go to bed.
T-ODD, know what you mean about yellow. Never had a yellow car before and had to do some serious soul searching before I did it. Once decided and done, I like it. But, it is not for everyone or every car. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.
I want to thank all of you for your response to this post. I would have responded sooner but I had a power outage on the mountain yesterday just as I was posting. Fortunately I was on a laptop and the battery saved me. I did lose the wireless DSL signal from next door and had to switch to a slow dial up. So I just packed up and went to the house. By the time I had finished my drawings it was late so I called it a day.

Todd: I regret missing your call yesterday. Even though I had a phone line I have new technology cordless phones. No power, no phones but they sure are handy when you're on the shop floor.

Ron: What can I say about Ron? Well yes, we have talked on the phone several times in the past few days. And no, we were not talking about you guys. Actually Ron is cutting some parts for me. Let me just say this about Ron Pope's service. If you order special one off cut parts you had best have you're money ready. From the time I sent him the drawings till the time they were ready I didn't even have a chance to print the bills. Damn that boy's fast. And cost, better then reasonable.

Again, thanks to all of you. I look forward to a long term friendship here with all of you. Ted, I consider you to be a friend as well. I hope to meet some of you in Mountain Home in July. Now, Let's go build some cars.

Duke said:
T-ODD, know what you mean about yellow. Never had a yellow car before and had to do some serious soul searching before I did it. Once decided and done, I like it. But, it is not for everyone or every car. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.
I set about to paint mine Yellow just cause i wanted it and thought the graphics would go good with yellow.Just my input.

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