Active Member
I would just like to clarify my earlier post that seemed to cause some friction. First off, I only offered the drum versus disk choice as I see it. My opinions are just that, my opinions. I never told or advised anyone to choice either. I only said what my choice would be.
As to the drilling of drum brake. To this day I have never seen or heard of anyone drilling the drum flange and that was how I read the response from Ted. If people do that then I would like to know more about it. I do know that race cars from the drum brake days did in fact drill lightning and cooling holes in the backing plates as well as in the drum sides. The drums themselves are in fact cast or stamped steel(some were aluminum) with iron inserts. Being that the liners are cast iron. I still stand by my objections to drilling holes in them.
Now, back to the original choice of drums versus disk. I will repeat myself, either are fine. It is purely a personal choice. Ii have no reason to try to influence anyone in their decision. I have no reason or desire to hurt anyones feelings or positions on any subject. You will see that it is very rare that I will just out and out say something is wrong or incorrect without being asked. But if I do see something that is completely wrong or dangerous then I think I should say so. I surely want the same from others that disagree with my work or advise. As this is a forum that encourages the sharing of information, advise and friendship I would think everyone should speak up when they feel the need. If I am wrong in my thinking then pleas tell me so. I'm a big boy and I don't get hurt feelings. There are a number of guys here that are in my age bracket (as in +60) and they have a great deal of knowledge and experience and they all seem very willing to share it. There are also some younger and even some older 1st time builders that ask questions because they want that knowledge. I feel that it is in their and everyones best interest to answer those questions the best we can. If we give out bad advise then somewhere down the line they will give out that same bad advise. Just remember back when you were young and hanging out at a local garage soaking up ideas and tips. In later years you probably realized that some of that advise really wasn't that good after all.
The future of hot rodding is really changing these days. Due to the looming economic situation I feel there will be a big shake out in the custom built cars by professional shops. A number of kit and parts companies will close as we are now seeing. Hot rodding will go back to it's roots. Cars will be built in home garages by guys just like us and it's future will depend on the passing of the torch. We now are the holders of that torch.
So in closing this very long winded rant, just let me say this:
Ted Brown, if I insulted or hurt your feelings in anyway then I truly apologize. It was not my intention to do so. And when you get to Arkansas then you will be welcome in my shop anytime.
And to the rest of you. I will still look and think about things or questions posted here. And unless you ask me to leave then I will from time to time voice my opinion. I really enjoy all of you and look forward to a long term relationship on this forum. Thank you for your time.
As to the drilling of drum brake. To this day I have never seen or heard of anyone drilling the drum flange and that was how I read the response from Ted. If people do that then I would like to know more about it. I do know that race cars from the drum brake days did in fact drill lightning and cooling holes in the backing plates as well as in the drum sides. The drums themselves are in fact cast or stamped steel(some were aluminum) with iron inserts. Being that the liners are cast iron. I still stand by my objections to drilling holes in them.
Now, back to the original choice of drums versus disk. I will repeat myself, either are fine. It is purely a personal choice. Ii have no reason to try to influence anyone in their decision. I have no reason or desire to hurt anyones feelings or positions on any subject. You will see that it is very rare that I will just out and out say something is wrong or incorrect without being asked. But if I do see something that is completely wrong or dangerous then I think I should say so. I surely want the same from others that disagree with my work or advise. As this is a forum that encourages the sharing of information, advise and friendship I would think everyone should speak up when they feel the need. If I am wrong in my thinking then pleas tell me so. I'm a big boy and I don't get hurt feelings. There are a number of guys here that are in my age bracket (as in +60) and they have a great deal of knowledge and experience and they all seem very willing to share it. There are also some younger and even some older 1st time builders that ask questions because they want that knowledge. I feel that it is in their and everyones best interest to answer those questions the best we can. If we give out bad advise then somewhere down the line they will give out that same bad advise. Just remember back when you were young and hanging out at a local garage soaking up ideas and tips. In later years you probably realized that some of that advise really wasn't that good after all.
The future of hot rodding is really changing these days. Due to the looming economic situation I feel there will be a big shake out in the custom built cars by professional shops. A number of kit and parts companies will close as we are now seeing. Hot rodding will go back to it's roots. Cars will be built in home garages by guys just like us and it's future will depend on the passing of the torch. We now are the holders of that torch.
So in closing this very long winded rant, just let me say this:
Ted Brown, if I insulted or hurt your feelings in anyway then I truly apologize. It was not my intention to do so. And when you get to Arkansas then you will be welcome in my shop anytime.
And to the rest of you. I will still look and think about things or questions posted here. And unless you ask me to leave then I will from time to time voice my opinion. I really enjoy all of you and look forward to a long term relationship on this forum. Thank you for your time.