New Member
i just downloaded 4 pictures of what i believe is the best looking if not the smoothist functioning front suspension since the leaf spring. this concept was drawn up by artist ED NEWTON for DAN WOODS back in the late 60's. i own the parts and i spoke to DAN WOODS personally on how to put this design together. the whole concept of front suspension is in the goemetry. if the calculatiobs are off the front end will be all over the place and won't handle at all. infact a radio flyer wagon will have more stability. if anyone is interested in this set up let me know.
to look at this set up it looks complicated but once the concept is understood one will wonder why this is not used more. this is simular to what is on F-1 indy cars. it is almost an independent suspension, but with a straight axel it is not. but on the same note when a front suspension that has a leaf spring has a tendency to go into wheel hop at certain speeds if a bump is hit on one side or the other or if going through an intersection that has perpindicular ruts. the leaf spring wants to allow the wobble. the individual coil springs act indipenditally more than the leaf spring. when the inertia of one side tries to make one side lift the other side is an opposite reaction especially with a leaf spring. with a individual spring on each side the coil springs are indepiendly exerting preasure on each side. in other words the center pivioting action is not in the equation, the reason is because of the bell cranks on both sides that are attached to the end of the frame rails. the fulcrom action that the "L" shaped bell crank is a ratio that transfers action to the spring.
check this out and you will see what i am saying.
to look at this set up it looks complicated but once the concept is understood one will wonder why this is not used more. this is simular to what is on F-1 indy cars. it is almost an independent suspension, but with a straight axel it is not. but on the same note when a front suspension that has a leaf spring has a tendency to go into wheel hop at certain speeds if a bump is hit on one side or the other or if going through an intersection that has perpindicular ruts. the leaf spring wants to allow the wobble. the individual coil springs act indipenditally more than the leaf spring. when the inertia of one side tries to make one side lift the other side is an opposite reaction especially with a leaf spring. with a individual spring on each side the coil springs are indepiendly exerting preasure on each side. in other words the center pivioting action is not in the equation, the reason is because of the bell cranks on both sides that are attached to the end of the frame rails. the fulcrom action that the "L" shaped bell crank is a ratio that transfers action to the spring.
check this out and you will see what i am saying.