Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Orwellian nightmare . . .


Staff member
Copied this from another BLOG. Could this really happen?

It took auto manufactures 10 years but they finally started releasing subscription only features around 2020. Being able to upload and add features anytime also means they can remove things at any time.
They also know exactly what and where your car is doing (as well as others). I could see violations being issued to the owners of these cars around 2030 or these cars with their several cameras being used to issue tickets to older cars. "I have 3 cars that all recorded you passing them in excess of 10mph over the limit here is your ticket with proof; pay via credit card using the link below." (or they may just inform your insurance and your charged an additional $130 that month through your insurance).

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