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As some of you know I drive a school bus. Last Thursday they caught a 10 year old girl with a 5th of Vodka. Oh you would not believe what we find on the bus, and the language these kids use, and girls are worse than the boys. The administrators are afraid of the parents, that they might get sued.

I learned very early in my teaching career that the big difference between boys and girls is that girls are sneakier. And meaner.
clerks..... Hey, what am I saying?... postal clerk; fifty or more grand a year, another thirty-five percent in benefits every conceivable holiday off with pay and a gold plated retirement... and all for minimun wage effort and accomplishment, especially effort. The USPS lost $8.5 Billion dollars last year and has lost billions for years........ all paid for by tax payer dollars..... But I digress.

Well, don't know where you got your info, but it's flawed!
As a retired postal worker, I wish my retirement was "golden". The truth is you get 1.2% of the average of your highest 3 years of work. If you worked 30 years and made the $50k you imagined, you would make about $18,000 a year. Hardly "GOLDEN". The Post Office gets NO TAX MONEY. They pay the govt. millions a year to do what they do.

One point two percent of my imagined fifty thousand a year isn't eighteen thousand. Retire in 30 years? Wow, there's a sweet deal. Start when you're eighteen and retire at forty eight with no higher education invested in or needed is darn good. At forty eight, I was nearing my top earning years.

As far as imagining 50K a year, research* tells me the average is $79,000 to $83000 a year.

How does the Post Office lose $8.5 Billion last year alone and pay thw government millions a year ...."to do what they do"? Where does the money come from?

One point two percent of my imagined fifty thousand a year isn't eighteen thousand. Retire in 30 years? Wow, there's a sweet deal. Start when you're eighteen and retire at forty eight with no higher education invested in or needed is darn good. At forty eight, I was nearing my top earning years.

As far as imagining 50K a year, research* tells me the average is $79,000 to $83000 a year.

How does the Post Office lose $8.5 Billion last year alone and pay thw government millions a year ...."to do what they do"? Where does the money come from?


Let's start improving our country by asking every federal, state and local elected official to share our pain by taking a 10% pay cut. I sent my emails, no replies, but maybe if we all reminded them who they represent we can get results. The base pay of an elected member of Congress has a base salary of $173,000 .

Actually, I think we just need to amend the Constitution to say that Congress cannot pass laws for the American people that do not apply to Senators and Congressmen and cannot pass laws for Senators and Congressmen that do not apply to the American people.

How can a Senator or Congressman retire at the same pay, even if they have served only one term? How can they exempt themselves from laws that all other Americans must live with?
my opinion
99.9 % of the problems with the schools are called parents. Period. Want better schools? get better parents. Parents want to run the schools, but know nothing about teaching. the only kid in the school who matters is theirs, and yet they can't seem to get their precious darling to give a rat's petoot about learning. If doing well in school, not being a problem and LEARNING is important to momma, students will learn. if not, not. Government is not the problem, the schools are not the problem, Teachers are not the problem. all the ills of the education system can be traced to parents.
Thanks for your time and attention.
You may now return to your rat killin
Mike in ep

If only we really could kill the rats, education in America would improve.

Tenure is for bad teachers, good teachers earn their pay.

Unions are for bad teachers, good teachers earn their pay.

As long as good teachers continue to support their unions' mission of protecting bad teachers. they can only become more like bad teachers and have no chance of benig rewarded for excellence as long as their union caters to bad teachers.

Unions are the sanctuaries of the lazy and incompetennt. Any teacher who believes and expouses that parents are the problem is never going to be nor ever has been a good teacher. These teachers can only thank unions for masking their own incompetence.

NEA = No Educational Acheivement.

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