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Whats going on here?I've tried to see posts this morning since midnight and cant see anything.
When i click on to (View new content it says no new content)I had to go serching for this post.
If you posted this topic, after it was submitted to the database, your next page view was this topic. The database marked this topic as one you had read. Hence, it was not a new topic to you.

You have the option (under My Settings) to select how you want new content presented to you, either content you have not read or content new since your last visit. In this case, however, you had already read this topic, so it wouldn't either way.

Does that make sense?
If you posted this topic, after it was submitted to the database, your next page view was this topic. The database marked this topic as one you had read. Hence, it was not a new topic to you.

You have the option (under My Settings) to select how you want new content presented to you, either content you have not read or content new since your last visit. In this case, however, you had already read this topic, so it wouldn't either way.

Does that make sense?
Yes mike i knew that but when i come in here and hit the view new content thingy it usualy goes to 15 new or what ever now nothing.Let me go to the settings and try to figure it out.

When I go to forums the Subject title used to show TODAY or the date of last post.
Now it shows a bunch of numbers. When I open the subject and move the cursor to the thread I want to open, it displays a small window with a red X in it. No real problem with the last issue. I used to be able to tell if there where new threads under a subject by it showing TODAY. If it needs explaining to me, please avoid computer tech terms. I am not familiar with a lot of them.

What did you try and what results did you see? I rarely ever use View new Content, but it all seems to be working on this end.
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Thats what i get.I have to go serching for posts.
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Thats what i get.I have to go serching for posts.

Im getting the same thing. Used to be able to go to the new content and it would come up with a list. If you sign out and then look at new content they are all there. Bound to be a few glitches with a new set up so I thought I would give it a few days (for mike to ghet some sleep) and see if it works out
When you leave the forums, do you log out? Or do you just surf elsewhere, letting your session time out?

I really like those folks that log out, it makes life easier on the database, but if you do not, then you want to make sure you have the New Content settings set to show all unread content.

This is one of the damned if I do, damned if i don't situations. People were griping the authenticated session expiration was happening too quickly, so I extended it. If you log into the forums, read everything that is new, and then just head off to visit CNN's site without logging out, the database holds your session as active for 30 minutes. If 50 posts are submitted in the first 20 minutes you are away, and you have your settings set to show you all new content since your last visit, then those 50 posts will never show up as new content. They were made whilst your account was still active within the database. So only posts made after your session is dropped will appear as new content. If, on the other hand, you log out when you leave, then everything will appear as new.

Like I say, i rarely ever click on the New Content link. But i still have that setting set to show me all unread material. That way, if I've read everything on the site, then when I come back, the new topics/posts will show as new. Or if I click on the Mark Forums as Read link, then the new material will show properly when I return. But I also log out when I leave.

I do not like the Remember Me function. So much so I even have it blocked in my browser, so it cannot be used, That way, if someone would happen to sit down at my desk, they cannot access any of my forum accounts. Sure, I do have to log in every time i visit the site, but I can spare the 5 or 6 seconds from my life. I read what I can and log out when I leave. If I have read everything I want to read, I will generally click the link to mark everything as read, then I log out. If I don't get the chance to read all I want, i will still see all unread material when I return.

While we're on the subject of authenticated sessions being dropped, a member had taken someone's advice and was using Microsoft Word to create a forum post, so he would not get timed out trying to type it all whilst logged in. Using an external text editor will work for this purpose, but Word is perfectly terrible for it. Microsoft uses a lot of proprietary coding to format their Word documents. Some of it is ignored if copied directly into a forum post. Some of it can turn a forum post inside out, upside down and set it on fire. Use a plain-Jane text editor (Notepad for you Windows users) and their will not be any weird, embedded code as a result.

If you don't like the idea of getting timed out, scroll down and click on the Preview Post button every 5-10 minutes, or every paragraph, or... If you sit for 30 minutes on one page, typing up War and Peace, you will get timed out. It will happen. (If I had my way, it would happen much sooner. Default is 900 seconds - 15 minutes.) But if you preview your work on a regular basis, the database sees you are active, so it will not drop your session. You will be able to remain logged in indefinitely. I hope this will help some of you fighting the problem.
Ha! I'm still waiting on that definition of sleep. :winkn: Actually, I hear sleep is highly over-rated anyway. If God had intended us to sleep, why did He create coffee? :winkn:

I took you advice and now use word pad and it works like a dream. No more problem with timing out. I didnt think my post were that long... war and peace now theres a challenge. What should it be. A pen picture. A praises or just an abbreviated version.
In the past I could go to PORTAL, on the right side of the screen was "Todays active topics" mine was set a 24 hours. The Portal screen doesn't have much on it anymore and is the active topics fuction gone?.....ruggs
Something has changed! Previously when I logged in, I would click on "PORTAL" and the page would show several posts (some that I have read and some that I have not). Today when I click on "PORTAL" I get a blank page. Also there is no option on the right side of screen to see active posts. I am using the same search engine and same shortcuts that I did yesterday. WHAT'S GOING ON???????
While we're on the subject of authenticated sessions being dropped, a member had taken someone's advice and was using Microsoft Word to create a forum post, so he would not get timed out trying to type it all whilst logged in. Using an external text editor will work for this purpose, but Word is perfectly terrible for it. Microsoft uses a lot of proprietary coding to format their Word documents. Some of it is ignored if copied directly into a forum post. Some of it can turn a forum post inside out, upside down and set it on fire. Use a plain-Jane text editor (Notepad for you Windows users) and their will not be any weird, embedded code as a result.

Is that what's happening to my recent posts? see my last couple posts in the thread "Northstar T is taking shape". lots of gobbledegook added and some taken away. interesting.... I'll try using Notepad regardless.

Something has changed! Previously when I logged in, I would click on "PORTAL" and the page would show several posts (some that I have read and some that I have not). Today when I click on "PORTAL" I get a blank page. Also there is no option on the right side of screen to see active posts. I am using the same search engine and same shortcuts that I did yesterday. WHAT'S GOING ON???????
First off - I had not added any of the content back into the Portal page and was considering its removal. With the exception of the calendar, there is no content there that cannot be found on the forum index page. Since it looks like some of you were using it, the Portal has been restored.

Second - Actually, there is a link for you to select new content.



I can see it plainly, on both the CleanCut 3.1 skin IP.Board . Might I respectfully suggest you have simply overlooked the link? The reason I suggest this is in the issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:15 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum. And then, the issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:16 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum. And then, issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:17 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum.

Why it was necessary to report the same issue three times in as many minutes is beyond my comprehension. And then, within 10 minutes, you are submitting nearly all the same information to this topic. Since I see you have managed to find the appropriate links to click to both read and reply to posts, I'll disregard your warning about the forum not having many members. And, hopefully, with the above images supplied, you will once again be able to find the View New Content link.

Third - I offer my sincere apologies for not being present to answer your 'WHAT'S GOING ON' demand at 8:15 last evening. I apologize for not being here at 8:16 last evening. I apologize for not being here at 8:17 last evening. And I apologize for not being here at 8:27 last evening. How rude of me to actually have a life away from this site. I will try harder to shadow you, every moment you are on the forum, in order to offer you assisstance within 60 seconds of your requests.

And last, as for your questions as to what is going on? At the moment, not a whole lot is happening. I'm just trying to dig out this burr you jammed under my saddle, that's all.

If you need help, all you need do is ask for it. If you need to be rude about it, click on that link to log out and don't bother coming back. See, I'll not twist your arm to force you to visit a forum you cannot sort how to use. If you feel I need to be here to answer your questions within one minute of asking, your expectations are too high. I cannot meet those expectations, you are continually going to be disappointed by my inabilities and you need to click on that link to log out. Nobody is a hostage here. If you don't like it here, no one is forcing yo9u to stay. Take your leave and your problems are all over. See how easy that is?

Russ, if you'll link me to the posts where you are experiencing troubles, I'll take a look and see if I can tell what's happening.
First off - I had not added any of the content back into the Portal page and was considering its removal. With the exception of the calendar, there is no content there that cannot be found on the forum index page. Since it looks like some of you were using it, the Portal has been restored.

Second - Actually, there is a link for you to select new content.



I can see it plainly, on both the CleanCut 3.1 skin IP.Board . Might I respectfully suggest you have simply overlooked the link? The reason I suggest this is in the issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:15 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum. And then, the issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:16 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum. And then, issue you submitted to the Support page at 8:17 last evening, you reported the above, plus the fact you could not find a way to post anything to the forum.

Why it was necessary to report the same issue three times in as many minutes is beyond my comprehension. And then, within 10 minutes, you are submitting nearly all the same information to this topic. Since I see you have managed to find the appropriate links to click to both read and reply to posts, I'll disregard your warning about the forum not having many members. And, hopefully, with the above images supplied, you will once again be able to find the View New Content link.

Third - I offer my sincere apologies for not being present to answer your 'WHAT'S GOING ON' demand at 8:15 last evening. I apologize for not being here at 8:16 last evening. I apologize for not being here at 8:17 last evening. And I apologize for not being here at 8:27 last evening. How rude of me to actually have a life away from this site. I will try harder to shadow you, every moment you are on the forum, in order to offer you assisstance within 60 seconds of your requests.

And last, as for your questions as to what is going on? At the moment, not a whole lot is happening. I'm just trying to dig out this burr you jammed under my saddle, that's all.

If you need help, all you need do is ask for it. If you need to be rude about it, click on that link to log out and don't bother coming back. See, I'll not twist your arm to force you to visit a forum you cannot sort how to use. If you feel I need to be here to answer your questions within one minute of asking, your expectations are too high. I cannot meet those expectations, you are continually going to be disappointed by my inabilities and you need to click on that link to log out. Nobody is a hostage here. If you don't like it here, no one is forcing yo9u to stay. Take your leave and your problems are all over. See how easy that is?

Russ, if you'll link me to the posts where you are experiencing troubles, I'll take a look and see if I can tell what's happening.

Hey Mike
Take a breather buddie. In the last 35 years of business I have found that NOTHING goes right first time out. You can please some of the people some of the time not all of the people all of the time. Im happy to try out anything new and work at it to see what happens. If there are problems Im sure they will get sorted. Take a glass of \Merlot and chill.
I was totally lost the last change, last year, so I took a breather, in a couple of Months I tried again, and found myself learning the site, now I think it must have been for the better, I know I am at times NOT real crazy about change, as I had just got to where I had the old system figured out, kinda.. hehe This change seemed to be a lot smoother, even for a real computer DUMMY like Me... :) But I do know that different browsers make a huge difference in the way the forum works or should I say displays.? Thanks Mike for taking all the time you do take... With out You, this would not even BE... I wish there would have been this place to ask these types of questions, when I started, it would have saved me a whole lot of time and money, I think...
Thank you for bringing back the PORTAL page as it is what I use all the time.


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