Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Project pictures


Heres a few pics I took today of my project. :cool:



I call fake! There's no way you're getting work done in a garage that clean!:laff:

Nice work. Looks really clean and thought out.:)
Photo shop is great aint it ! LOL ,,
Man that is looking nice !
Lookin' great Larry. I like the "Blue Suede."
I like it so far. :thumbsup:
Wow, now I need some alone time with my car. Looking good!
Twin Deuces on a T-Ram...

AWESOME!!! It's more of a straight ram (Independent Runner) without the T-rams upper plenum. That is going to be a real torque'y set-up if you can get the carburetors to fine tune properly.

Much like the Dual Weber set-up's on the VW bug motor's. Those VW bug motors get real torque'y because of the short straight runners.

I did a tri-power tunnel ram set-up on my T-Bucket using Rochester 2-CG's.

I know this manifold, are the carburetors bases open under the carbs to allow both barrels of each of the carbs to feed the four runners, front/rear carburetors.
Gawd, Pure Junk
drop it in my yard and I'll see it gets disposed of properly
Mike in ep :welcome:
After seeing your pix's may me a little J. I am still finishing up my parent's bathroom re model. Hope to get out in the garage and start working on it again. Post up more pix's of your Nice build.
T4TWO said:
After seeing your pix's may me a little J. I am still finishing up my parent's bathroom re model. Hope to get out in the garage and start working on it again. Post up more pix's of your Nice build.

Fly me to hawaii and I will help you with that remodel ;)
There are no full shots of the car posted so you can't see the mess in the back ground. :hb:
Thanks for the compliments.
i think you ought to call it "The Smurffmobie" lol


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