Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Put your hands together for our newest moderator


Well-Known Member
Since we had a moderator go MIA, we put our heads together and started talking about who would make a worthy replacement. We were hoping to get someone who has some computer background, someone who is regularly online and someone who is willing to contribute to the forums.

It was a very short list of names. Errrr, it was a very short list of only one name.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Keeper to the T-Bucket Forums moderation team!

Keeper has been a member just three days shy of five years, so he has been around for a while. He most definitely has a computer background. And, as you can see in the Top Donations module, on the forum home page, he has always been a generous financial contributor to the health and well-being of this site. Additionally, I have learned he has some forum moderation and even some forum administration experience, so I am really happy he has agreed to help us out, by serving as a moderator.

(409T, excellent suggestion! Expect a little something extra in your pay envelope this week. *cough*)

Keeper, I certainly do appreciate you stepping up to help us, as you have. There are two rules I now impose upon you. Number One - You are no longer allowed to use the Donation Manager, as you will be contributing your time, instead. Number Two - We don't mess around with Ban Hammers, we use maces, instead, and I expect you to swing ruthlessly, when required. Additionally, you will see some new forum categories and some new forums, down at the bottom of the stack. Make yourself at home.
Welcome aboard, Keeper!

Thanks to Keeper, Mike and everyone else behind the magic curtain. :thumbsup:
All I can say is that if Keeper moderates like he paints, this joint will be all shiny and orange-peel free in no time! :roflmao:

Congrats and much appreciated, Keeper.

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