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I just want to be sure where I stand on this board.

1. Will words like D**m or Cr*p or other lesser words oft used when you bust a knuckle in the garage be forbidden here? If a post is inadvertantly posted with such a word, will it be bleeped or just disappear?

2. I understand this board is only for buckets. So will threads that suffer from Thread drift be censcored(sp)? You know how they start out about the shim on a SBC starter, then turn into a thread about shimmying from your suspension, and end up the shimmy of the hula girl on the dash of your 85 Camaro.
Humidi-T said:
I just want to be sure where I stand on this board.

1. Will words like D**m or Cr*p or other lesser words oft used when you bust a knuckle in the garage be forbidden here? If a post is inadvertantly posted with such a word, will it be bleeped or just disappear?

2. I understand this board is only for buckets. So will threads that suffer from Thread drift be censcored(sp)? You know how they start out about the shim on a SBC starter, then turn into a thread about shimmying from your suspension, and end up the shimmy of the hula girl on the dash of your 85 Camaro.

And then go into how shims were invented in Kansas City LOL
Humidi-T said:
1. Will words like D**m or Cr*p or other lesser words oft used when you bust a knuckle in the garage be forbidden here? If a post is inadvertantly posted with such a word, will it be bleeped or just disappear?
Word like damn and crap are not forbidden. However, we also feel adults should be capable of posting messages that do not fully rely on these types of words to convey thoughts and opinions to others.

As your example points out, it is one thing to use language like that when you've just smashed a knuckle. Since we have no tasks on this forum that will risk any knuckles, that type of language is really not required and should be used sparingly.

We've established this site so that young children, wives, girlfriends, mothers, pastors and nuns can all participate at any level they choose. As a result, it is our hope our members will recognize value in this design and will try to conduct themselves as if they were sitting at the dining room table with these same individuals.

Damn and crap? Pretty harmless words, unless an individual cannot communicate without using them incessantly. Now if someone drops an 'F-bomb', you're likely to see some swift action being taken.

2. I understand this board is only for buckets. So will threads that suffer from Thread drift be censcored(sp)? You know how they start out about the shim on a SBC starter, then turn into a thread about shimmying from your suspension, and end up the shimmy of the hula girl on the dash of your 85 Camaro.
Thread drift happens.

That being said, we really hope if someone posts about shimming a starter and someone else has a question about front end shimmy, that will end up in its own thread. We encourage using different threads for different topics, as that makes it easier for people to search each topic. And the search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, etc.) will index the topics better, as well.

From time to time, if we see a single thread is spawning an entirely separate topic, we may split those posts off into their own thread, just so they will get the attention they deserve.
I'm really glad to hear those rules are in place here. I have been a member of a few forums where we had a nice family atmosphere going and all of a sudden some individuals came on and decided it was too PG for them, so the language and flaming of others started. Most of us original guys left over that. I am particular about who I hang out with.

Other forums like the HAMB consider it ok to use whatever language you desire, and the F bomb is like saying hello. That bothers me a lot, not because I am a prude and I do cuss up a storm when the hammer hits one of my fingers, but as the Webmaster said, there is a time and place for everything. I try to be respectful of the ladies and kids who come on these forums.

I have also been on forums where the moderators were absent or uninvolved very much, and it becomes bedlum. There are rules in every house, and someone needs to make sure those rules are adhered to.

It just boils down to respect and having class. We are all civilized, mature adults here, so we need to act accordingly. Just my 2 cents worth.

Don did a real good job of putting my feeling into words. Being a responsible adult isn't that hard. My $0.02.
Don I like the way that you put that. The hamb does get a little rough now and then. I also frequent a bike board that makes the hamb look like a church choir. Everything has its place. Wherever you go on the web, the rules are different.
Also I am a mod on a 4x4 site. They do not encourage profanity, However they do allow it to an extent. The members there police their own. If someone gets out of line the core membership normally has it taken care of before I know what happened. I have an easy job due to the members there. Here is a portion of the entrance page there.

When you choose to be a member here, you must follow these rules.
* Do not bash other members for ANY reasons.
* Everyone here should be as friendly and courteous as you would if you were on a trail.
* The friendly atmosphere is what keeps our members coming back, if you detract from the overall feel of the site, you will be asked to clean up your act, if you cannot, you will be asked to leave.
The #1 reason the members here choose to be here is the friendly attitude and willingness to help wheelers of all types and skill levels. We ONLY want members who agree with our philosophy and way of life. If you can't play nice, please feel free to close this window right now. We encourage you to register and say hello in our introductions forum, where you will be warmly accepted.

This is a site where wives hang out too, including mine. Personaly I conduct my self like I would at Mecca, because I use the same screen name every where. I feel that if someone were to see me from somewhere else I need to set a good example.

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.
Well, I know I'm guilty of inadverdantly changing the topic of a thread.:o I'll try and keep it in check, so as not to keep good info from being put out. So, if anyone sees me do it, PLEASE, let me know and I'll stop.:)
Well heck Fred, we don't mind if you change topics in the middle of a thread. I think I speak for most of the guys on this forum, we just like reading your post.

From our own Forum Rules & Guidelines -

Members should remember this board is aimed at an audience of all ages. Posting suggestive, pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning. Posts containing any of this material will be removed.
I think when we all remember we are in mixed company, then this rule is unnecessary. And when people forget they are in mixed company, then they will get rather abrupt reminders from the forum staff. ;)

donsrods said:
I'm really glad to hear those rules are in place here. I have been a member of a few forums where we had a nice family atmosphere going and all of a sudden some individuals came on and decided it was too PG for them, so the language and flaming of others started. Most of us original guys left over that. I am particular about who I hang out with.
And there's nothing wrong with being particular. I think you'll find that the consistent use of offensive language and flaming will stop nearly as quickly as it starts around here. ;)

I have also been on forums where the moderators were absent or uninvolved very much, and it becomes bedlum. There are rules in every house, and someone needs to make sure those rules are adhered to.
Unfortunately, we cannot be here 24/7/365, but we do try to keep an eye on things. We're growing at a rate where we're going to be looking to add another moderator in the very near future.

I like to see active discussion taking place, but I am known to have a very heavy hand, when a discussion starts taking wrong turns. Maybe heavy to a fault, to be truthful.

It just boils down to respect and having class. We are all civilized, mature adults here, so we need to act accordingly. Just my 2 cents worth.
Don gets the gold star for the day. :D That condenses all of this forum's rules into a couple, short sentences.

tfeverfred said:
Well, I know I'm guilty of inadverdantly changing the topic of a thread.:o I'll try and keep it in check, so as not to keep good info from being put out. So, if anyone sees me do it, PLEASE, let me know and I'll stop.:lol:
Fred, thread drift happens, as I said earlier. We just don't want an interesting post on how to align a front end to get lost on page 6 of a thread about where to purchase brakes.

Nobody is handing out demerits, so don't fret.
A big thanks

I like the way you guys are handling this site, so well I may need to take a class on time management. Thanks again I'm sure your helping a lot of people realize there dream of building there own Rod.
Re: A big thanks

I know what you mean BC. I can't walk past this box without clicking to see what's goin' on.

i have always found it strange that people can take the time to write out profanity. when you type, if your like most of us, you type with one finger, so it takes awhile. it's not like whatever has you all excited just happened. i would think when people are on forums, they are relaxed and calm, so the profanity is a deliberate thing. though now that i say this, i have noticed some people on other forums, get really upset at times and it does come through in the typing. either way, it can easily not be typed too. as far as donsrods post, i know him from other forums and i will say he carries himself very well in mixed company.:):D

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