Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Raising a channeled body


Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum and hail from Long Beach, Ca. I don't see many Hot Rod T's out here and need a little advice. I am working on a 27 and its channeled. I have just added doors and thought it would be neat to add a steel trunk lid. I cut out the fiberglass for the lid and found that the rear suspension is too close to the trunk lid to close. I need the depth of the steel trunk lid inner liner versus the depth of the fiberglass body which was very thin. Anyway, its either cut the suspension up and do it over again or raise the body approximately 1.5 inches. Any ideas ? I would sure appreciate them.
You need at least 10 posts before you can post a pic There's a "Introduction" thread some where on this forum, Sooooo introduce yourself and describe your 27' motor, trans etc.. Pics will be a lot more helpful.

Are you using coil over shocks on the rear ? If so , is the bottom coil over mount mounted on top of the axle tube or behind it ( or in front of it ) ?
Does these pieces of brackets & coil overs resemble your coil over setup ?coil over shocks.jpg weld on lower shock mount.jpg weld on upper shock mounts..jpg I found these photos on ebay.
Those coil overs pictured are adjustable. Can you simply adjust them up whatever you need for clearance? Shimming between the body and frame should work as well.
409t , he says his shocks are non adjustable. I posted the adjustable shocks for an example. He hasn't posted any photos of his actual shocks.
HI Guys. So I've been working the problem and decided to use Adjustable coil overs on the back. I also made some wooden spacers that fit between the body and frame and screwed them in so that they don't move. This solved the problem and I want to thank you for your suggestions. I now have the body high enough to use my steel trunk. Thats a whole nother story. Ha.
By the way, yes the body was already glassed in. I ordered the new adjustable shocks from Speedway. Jared in the tech shop helped me and I bought QA1 coilover/shocks/110 lbs. I hope this also helps with the extremely harsh ride. I couldn't even move the rearend with my weight. Ii'm sorry I didn't get right back with you. I forgot I belong to this Forum. Again, thanks for all the tips. Until next time.
If your not wanting the channel due to sitting to high in the body, just cut the floor out as close to the inside of the body as you can. Raise the body to desire height, and glass the floor back in. You may end up needing to take some off the floor as the body should get a bit smaller toward the bottom as you raise it. Like Spanky said, photos would help, as my suggestions are just what had to do on my roadster a few years ago. Send you photos one of us and we can post them for you. I think you can do that in conversations.

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