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Randy and the Girls - T-Odd

one finger john

Active Member
T-Odd, I was struck by the picture of a NTBA member named Randy standing next to a T-bucket with a pair of gorgeous little girls in the passenger seat. By his matching shirt and what I perceive to be a proud owners smile, he is content and fits in. His handicaps are also apparent and do not appear to have slowed him down. Could you share Randy's story and correct any of my assumptions?

I'm not T-odd but, John your assumptions are correct...I met Randy at Mt. Home several years ago,he was helping another bucket head polish out his blower, and I was not aware of all his "handicaps". I could not believe what he is capable of. Those are his daughters and the car he built and drives. He is truly a talented and remarkable fellow, always willing to help out a fellow bucket head. A truly nice guy you would be proud to call your friend.
I was wondering who that fellow was too he has to be an out standing guy to do what he does and handicapped or not is very remarkable !!! I would like him to pop in here with us ..
I've known Randy sence "02 and we have become very great friends. He will be the first to tell you he is NOT handicaped in any way and doesn't like to be put into that catagory. Randy builds his own cars. The new blown BBC is his newest ride. It has special memories for him. The engine is from his fathers last pickup and is used in his memory. Randy is the only person I've ever known to make "Predators" work on the street. Randy is just a super guy with a super family who likes and builds T Buckets. If ya'll ever see Randy just go up and shake his hand and talk to him. weelstang
Sorry I'm late, but as others have stated so well before me Randy isn't handicapped and he truly is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet.

That's one of the things I love about our NATS, you can pretty much walk up to any buckethead and say "hello."

You just made a lifelong friend with one word in most cases.

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