Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

RANT. Open at your on free will

Damage Control Department. Persian Gulf 1990.

[ame=[media=youtube]iiyw6iVgT1A[/media] - 06 Def Leppard - Gods of War[/ame]
USS Sides FFG-14
Damage Control Department. In the Gulf and looking for SH*T.

[ame=[media=youtube]a6RETQ5VcJ4[/media] - Metallica nothing else matters[/ame]
I loved this in American Graffiti

[ame=[media=youtube]ar-Z_l907DY[/media] - Green Onions Booker T & The MGS[/ame]
Fred you and i have the same tastes in music I LOVE Motown, Shilites, temps, Al green, I never listened to one kind of music it would be like only eating one kinda food all the time. But you hit the nail on the head with James Hatfield and Metalica they are a very good listen FO SHO Its funny my family are gospel singers with 70 albums and a TV show and a radio show under their belt. Both my wifes Parents are in the Gospel music Hall of fame. My wifes mom is on most of the Bill gather DVDs.
The Weatherfords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia no one sings like family.
[ame=[media=youtube]6cJOevhjS20[/media] - The Beach Boys - I Get Around[/ame]
I wanted to put up the original HOT ROD LINCLON utube and dont know how:cry:
jmr122848 said:
I wanted to put up the original HOT ROD LINCLON utube and dont know how:cry:
[ame=[media=youtube]rLdVeU5ghVs[/media] - Commander Cody Hot Rod Lincoln[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]jpHHV5zx-nE[/media] - Commander Cody Band - Hot Rod Lincoln....Revisited![/ame]

Take your pick.
Thanks! However I prefer the original Charlie Ryan version (he wrote the song). How do you do that?
For all the women in the house!:rolleyes: You know. The ones who let us do what we do.

[ame="[media=youtube]h8M_3JTwtPg[/media]"]YouTube - Buddy Guy : Mustang Sally[/ame]
Throttle down and you're going a nice speed. Time to take in the sights. Take your hand off the shifter and put on your girls thigh.... and she turns to you and smiles. Then you look at the road ahead, smile and knod your head. Life is soooo good.

Sometimes you just have to remember where you are in the big plan called life. Easy........

[ame="[media=youtube]omjS9QxZ-8w[/media]"]YouTube - Jeff Beck - People Get Ready[/ame]

Ride on.
jmr122848 said:
Thanks! However I prefer the original Charlie Ryan version (he wrote the song). How do you do that?

Go to Utube and find the music you want to post.Then at the top of the page youll see the link put your curser in that space not touching the link left click and it will turn blue.Right click and then click copy.Then in the post do your writing then hit enter to go down to the next line take your mouse and right click then click past.Then hit submit reply.Hope this helps let me know.
good song but no video, well sorta.

[ame=[media=youtube]8MS9fk1u6kA[/media] - Forgotten Oldies - Hot Rod Lincoln, The Late Charlie Ryan[/ame]
Too cool. Tap yer foot.

[ame="[media=youtube]1EpWqXdsQtg[/media]"]YouTube - Hot Rod Race 1950[/ame]
In the early stages of my Aneversary build i made this.The guitar player i knew (hes dead now)He was a back up for alot of famous groups.He sent me this copy of his song and i did the montage.
[ame=[media=youtube]WN_cm9mJgvg[/media] - My car with Grayboy on guitar[/ame]

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