Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Rapid City Fun Run June 15-18


Staff member
How about an Itinerary! This is it folks, the most bang for the buck for the time we have in the Black Hills. A copy of this will be included with your maps and a more detailed description of the particular day. Of course, it goes without saying that things may change because of the weather and other things. This is a cruising intensive week, we hope that's what you came for!

First things first: We would like to Welcome
everyone to the Rapid City Fun Run. This is not
our first event here so some of you have an
an idea of what’s in store. So “Let’s Cruise and
Have Fun” Your NTBA Staff

This is a rough breakdown of Wed – Sat. More detailed explanation with your maps. We will be having full days with Wednesday being on somewhat of a schedule. So please, as a courtesy to everyone, Fuel Up in the evening or early morning so we can leave in a timely fashion. All drivers meetings will be at 9 am with departure of approximately 9:30 am.
Monday and Tuesday will be drivers choice. We will be doing a little scouting and dinner show arrangements but anyone in town is more than welcome to follow along. Otherwise it’s a good time to explore.

This is a road trip and attraction day followed by dinner out for those that want to participate. After leaving the motel we’ll head towards Keystone and then proceed to Mt. Rushmore. Planning on about 1:30 hrs there and then back track some to Keystone for lunch and fuel stop, maybe for over an hour. From there we will head to Hill City to site see and for those that want to, take a ride on the 1880’s Train. Upon return we will eat dinner at the Alpine Inn across the street. For those that don’t want to ride the train or eat, it’s an easy trip back. Just follow your map. Alpine Inn is cash only!

This is another road trip day with no time constraints.
After leaving the motel we will proceed to Keystone (via a different route) and then head towards Custer State Park. Our route south will go via Iron Mt. Road (16A) on into Custer State Park. There is a $20 fee so hang onto your pass you’ll probably need it again. We will do the wildlife loop and then pass back out to the North on Needles Hwy. Probably make a stop at Sylvan Lake and then proceed on to Hill City again for lunch or if anyone has done it before and liked it, maybe a side trip to Custer. Open to suggestion. Then on back to the motel. Just follow your map. Right now we have made contact with the Chuck Wagon Supper & Show and that is our plan for dinner.

The long day.
Spearfish Canyon and Deadwood. Let me start off by saying that we have run into the same problem we had the last time here. “Wild Bill Days” will be in full swing. For those that want to fight the crowd you have our blessing. We will try to stop at a very minimum for fuel but it may be too crowded for much more than that so be forewarned.
We will leave the motel and head for Deadwood and then loop up to Spearfish Canyon. There is a place for lunch in the middle or we can eat in Spearfish. We will judge our time accordingly and try to please as many as we can. Just kind of depends on how long it takes us to get there.
Our time frame totally depends on how much we stop and fuel and site see. Other stuff planned for the evening so don’t want to wear you completely out (just mostly).

This is drivers choice day. May be tired by then. You will have had an 80 mile day, a 136 mile day and a 172 plus mile day.
Plan is to repeat Thursday thru Custer State Park via Needles Hwy and Iron Mt road. You’ll need your pass again if you got one the first time.

Other Thoughts:
It has been working out for the best to have folks break up into groups to go to dinner. So pick your partners.

Exception may be for the Chuck Wagon show on Thursday night and the Alpine Inn on Wednesday. That’s your call

Not everyone will be in town when we go see Mt. Rushmore, we are thinking it would be a treat to go Friday night and see it “Under the Lights”. That way everyone will get a chance. Going to be a long day! Might be a good thing to do on Saturday if your posterior is tired or sore.
At the top it said June 15 tru 18 of 2022..........I am going......
Now I really wish I was there...........But I recon that was not to be................

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