Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

RattyT Update


New Member
Well its been a long while since I provided an update on the the slow progressing RattyT.
But I have made a fair bit of progress.

  • Rear guards, starting the front ones
  • First adventure into fiberglass with the transmission tunnel
  • Seat belt mounts
  • Seat & Seat mount
  • Panhard bar mount relocation
  • Rear bump stops

To name a few of the bits I have completed ...
As usual all progress recorded here :
WOW! You are indeed a fantastic craftsman and the documentation of your build is the best I've ever seen.

Thanks, but no not a fantastic craftsman, just "give it a go what could possibly go wrong" novice.... and unfortunately a lot has gone wrong. If a jobs worth doing its worth doing twice.... or even three time if you are lucky like me.

That's why its taken so long... lots of mistakes and repeated work But ill get the bloody thing finished one day.

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