Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Small update


New Member
Hey all
Just a quick update on progress on the "simple" refresh to an old bucket I purchased.
Well it all turned out to be bigger than.. well BIG. Well for a novice such as myself.

Here in NZ we have pretty strict laws on whats allowed on the road and since the Rattyt was
built before these laws were passed Ive had to do a fair amount of "updates"

She was supposed to be ready for our summer, which is now, and with a baby about to arrive in
14days .. I can kiss this summer goodbye.

Next major hurdle is to finish the fab on the steering since I messed with it :)

So please go check out the build site and feel free to pass comment .. I know none of you are shy.
WOW!!! That is a great build site you have made. You are to be commended for the fine job that you are doing on the car also.

Cool build :)
Looking good...All the "regs" down there are probably a good thing...You'll have a pretty safe ride. Keep it going!
A VERY welldone site and car!
Hey all
Just a quick update on progress on the "simple" refresh to an old bucket I purchased.
Well it all turned out to be bigger than.. well BIG. Well for a novice such as myself.

Great progress there.

Do you ever wonder why, when boat guy pulls his boat apart to fix a few things, they do just that (and a few extra s/steel bits), and when people remodel their houses they start with two bedrooms and maybe get an extra one, but when hotrodders do a "quick update" everything comes apart and things just escalate out of control?


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