Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Ready to paint


Ready to start painting. Will do fuel tank, small parts and front axle first. I've never used a spray gun before but do a good job with the rattle cans. I bought an HVLP paint system for the job and will shoot epoxy primer tomorrow afternoon. I have all the right safety equipment and will follow the manufacture's directions closely. I'm a bit scared about not doing well. Any words of encouragement from you guys? Good tips? Sure would like to hear some.

Ready to start painting. Will do fuel tank, small parts and front axle first. I've never used a spray gun before but do a good job with the rattle cans. I bought an HVLP paint system for the job and will shoot epoxy primer tomorrow afternoon. I have all the right safety equipment and will follow the manufacture's directions closely. I'm a bit scared about not doing well. Any words of encouragement from you guys? Good tips? Sure would like to hear some.


If it dont work out. Flat it back and have another go. You should have seen my first attempts. Dry areas, runs, orange peel. The whole lot on one side of a car. Secret is getting the paint just right so practice on a bit of something first. Then its a matter of confidence....
Make sure the surface is clean and not near an engine tear down or anything with oil residue. The residue on the surface will make fisheyes.
All of the above. Keep the gun perpendicular to the surface you are painting, and move your body left and right with a locked wrist. This usually means that you will have to pull the trigger on the gun just off the surface to be painted and then move the spraying gun across the piece. Don't wiggle your wrist left and right as you would with a garden hose on the front lawn or your coats will be heavy in the center and thin at the edges. 50% overlap on each pass and above runs.

What type of paint are you using? Single stage? Base coat / clear coat?
Today I'll be priming all the small parts, fuel tank and front axle. Should give me some practice before I do color tomorrow. The epoxy can sit for up to four days and still be coated without scuffing. Cleaned the parts before I sanded/wire brushed, will clean again before primer. Will not be near anything dirty during the paint process. Have my hazmat suit, approved mask and gloves. Gerry is right too.....I can always flatten out primer mistakes before shooting color.
My fears were unfounded. Did get some runs and drips on some small parts before I got the gun adjusted just right. Nothing some sanding can't fix. But, after some adjustment, the epoxy primer went on really smooth. I'm using an Earlex HV3500 paint system. With two tips, 1.5 mm and 2 mm it cost about $150. Lays down a real nice, smooth coat. Thought maybe the low price might mean low quality but I was wrong. Anyone out there looking at paint application systems should look at Earlex. With the 2 mm tip, it can spray latex house paint. So, when I'm done with the 27T, I have a sprayer I can use for the painting chores around the house. I'm sure my wife will take note of that. Our deck will need restaining next year.

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