Active Member
CAD systems don't design anything. We still have to see it in our minds. I can think and visualize in 3D. Anything I do on a CAD system, I can draw. The CAD software is just a HighTech pencil and eraser. Often times, one can draw faster than doing the same thing on a CAD system. It's the correction and editing where CAD systems really shine. Also, one can draw an assembly in CAD and then pull off perfectly sized details. In reverse, draw details and "assemble" them in CAD to make sure they all fit. CAD systems are as easy to use as what I'm doing now. Ya type and ya point-and-click. Nothing to be afraid of. If you do have trouble, find a 12 year old kid to help ya. They seem to know this computer stuff better than they know how to spell. I'm 60 now, started using Autocad when I was 37.
Take a look at that free one on Google and give yourself a new year challenge. You guys are helping me to learn how to build a car. We can help you learn to use a CAD system. Deal??
Mr. Bill
Like you I spent years on a drawing board before I stepped up to autocad. Best move I ever made although at times I do miss drawing on vellum but mostly because it is mental therapy. About ten years ago it got to where I couldn't buy vellum paper or ammonia without ordering it. Now this was in the Ft. Worth area and was until then a walk in and pick it up deal. I had two big tables and drafting machines and couldn't give them away. So sometimes technology is forced upon you. That being said, I to have made plenty of floor drawings (chalk talk), bar napkin drawings and cut out plenty of paper templets. But like the blacksmith of old I prefer to pick up my TIG tourch and enjoy that new technology. As to you other folks that are interested in aquiring a free drawing program then it just might be Christmas here in the t-bucket world. This link will let you download a free and pretty much unlimited use 2D cad program. I downloaded it several months ago and have played with it as time has allowed. I do have AutoCad that I use on a regular basis but the DASI DraftSight free version is very good. I works about the same as AutoCad and should give you no problems as to relearning. I hope this will be of some benefit to you.