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Red light runners

A really really good example of what my wife calls.

Pond life
Bottom feeders.

No regard for anyone else except themselves.

When we were in England,one thing (among many, many) that impressed me was the way English drivers are much more respectful and courteous of other drivers and pedestrians. As Yank pedestrians, we tended look the wrong way before crossing a street. Knowing this, many crosswalks were lettered with the message to look to the right first. "Mind Your Right"

Concern and courtesy may be why a Smart Car would work there. Not here though, because ... and I qoute the first rule of politics... "The Masses are Asses". Here, anyone with a Smart Car still has tangle with Peterbuilts and Kenworths. Ninety-nine percent of American truckers are real gentlemen and ladies who are concerned not only with their own safety, but the safety of others. I make this reference not because truckers are the problem, it's the difference in weight and size that puts the Smart car at a distinct disadvantage. It's not America's truckers, it's the Escalades and Navigators driven by_____________________ who are on their cell phones and drive like no one else is on the road

Three or four days a week I drive on both mountain roads and city streets and what really makes my jaws tight is the fact an average moron here isn't too lazy to use turn signals, they're just too stupid.

Unfortunately, the police are really only interested in the revenue provided by speeders and not that van with New Mexico plates carrying a bunch of ........... one of those minorities, all of whom might not be citizens of my country.

Well, I do feel better......being able to unload on all of you. You're great listeners, thanks......... Today, I turned sixty-nine and I can only hope this country stays together long enough to me to finish and drive ... for a few '27 Ford T (with a SBC) Roadster.

Lee recognizes this as PUI and yup.... it's a Chardonnay.

Thanks all.

When we were in England,one thing (among many, many) that impressed me was the way English drivers are much more respectful and courteous of other drivers and pedestrians. As Yank pedestrians, we tended look the wrong way before crossing a street. Knowing this, many crosswalks were lettered with the message to look to the right first. "Mind Your Right"
Apparently that was one way the Germans were able to detect English spies during WWII, as they would step to a street and look right, out of habit.

After seeing one or two people driving the wrong, bluidy way on one-way streets, I've learned to never take anything for granted. I always look both ways, because you just never know where the next idiot is going to show up.

Unfortunately, the police are really only interested in the revenue provided by speeders and not that van with New Mexico plates carrying a bunch of ........... one of those minorities, all of whom might not be citizens of my country.
Ohhhh, so you're just trying to get me started on one of my illegal alien rants, are you? :winkn:

A couple years ago, I had a chat with our former chief of police, who told me they had tracked moving violation arrests for something like 60 or 90 days. In spite of the law here in Indiana that requires proof of insurance before license plates can be issued, 1/3 of the drivers ticketed were operating without insurance. Of that number a tick over 80% had Hispanic surnames. Go flippin' figure, aye?

I'm really sad to say our local law enforcement officers are now known as revenue enhancement officers. Two decades ago, our prosecutor's office declared there were no gang problems and no drug problems in this county. They sat on that erroneous assumption for so long, they created a haven for both. We are located right along I-65, between Indianapolis and Chicago, with Purdue University right across the river. So you can imagine how long it took the dope-selling gangbangers to get a foothold. We've an MS-13 presence in this area, if you can imagine. Here in wee Lafayette, IN, we have areas where our revenue enhancement officers are now afraid to patrol, because the gangs are armed better. So they sit along the streets and write speeding tickets, whilst our city continues to go to Hell in a handbasket.

Mr. Obama, as long as you're not accomplishing anything of real value for this country, how about you start enforcing Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code? It's real simple. Just bring our troops home from Viet Nam the Middle East and station them along the border. If this is something else you can't accomplish, then get the Hell out of Jan Brewer's way and allow her to do your job for you. We, the people, want our country back. Thanks for listening, that is all.
ORF, If you see a 2006 F150 King Ranch Supercrew with a brand new Turquoise New Mexico Plate driving around Colorado wave it's just me.............The plate says wade................ :thinkn:
I went for a visit to Prescott, Az. and while sitting near the front door at a Super Wal-Mart for 30 minutes waiting for my friends to finish shopping... I did notice that it was 98% White folks going in and out, I said to a fellow sitting near me, in Bakersfield, Calif. it is the other way around, 98% Blacks, Mex. and far East people... I said I love this town... May have to move there one of these days...
The little woman and I took a month and toured the eastern states. I determined that cars back east must be sold without turn signals. And places like New York City, what is the deal with the horn honking - do that in places out here in the west and you stand a good chance of an attitude adjustment. :)
Duke, I absolutely refuse to drive in downtown Chicago.

Anywhere else in the world, a traffic light turning green means it is now safe to proceed. In Chicago, it means you should lay on the flippin' horn, until you can start to drive away. If you're the 100th car in line, you get to repeat the process, until you finally get through the bluidy intersection. It's amazing more people are not shot in traffic up that way.
I carry my camera in my car and when someone follows too close I take their picture. Not all of them see this as my windows are tinted a shade or so darker than legal. Most do and either back off or go around me where I get a snap of them and then their rear plate.

One night I came up on a woman who must have been drunk. I took serveral snaps of her with the flash on. She finally realized what I was doing and pull off the side of the road. Of course, she didn't know all the flash did was to take a picture of the inside of my windshield.

I would have called the cops except I don't have a cell phone*.

The other thing I do is to find someone who is too dumb to use turn signals. I pass them and use the opposite signal to pull in front of them. Then when they start to change lanes, I lead them with the opposite signal. It's amazing how few actually catch on.

I'm thinking of writing a book about Coorado drivers. It'll be called, "The White Trash Gran Prix." I guess I should start soon while there still are whites.

* I don't own a watch either and we don't have television or read the papers We only watch Netflix in the evening and sometimes it takes me three nights to see a movie 'cause I fall asleep.
I carry my camera in my car and when someone follows too close I take their picture. Not all of them see this as my windows are tinted a shade or so darker than legal. Most do and either back off or go around me where I get a snap of them and then their rear plate.

One night I came up on a woman who must have been drunk. I took serveral snaps of her with the flash on. She finally realized what I was doing and pull off the side of the road. Of course, she didn't know all the flash did was to take a picture of the inside of my windshield.

I would have called the cops except I don't have a cell phone*.

The other thing I do is to find someone who is too dumb to use turn signals. I pass them and use the opposite signal to pull in front of them. Then when they start to change lanes, I lead them with the opposite signal. It's amazing how few actually catch on.

I'm thinking of writing a book about Coorado drivers. It'll be called, "The White Trash Gran Prix." I guess I should start soon while there still are whites.

* I don't own a watch either and we don't have television or read the papers We only watch Netflix in the evening and sometimes it takes me three nights to see a movie 'cause I fall asleep.
Add Detroit to the title of your book.
You guys need to drive in third world countries. Red lights mean nothing who ever beeps first has the right away. Lived in Iran and visited Egypt. Just like the ice road truckers in India that is how it is.
I spent close to 20 years living and working in different countries. Most third world countries if a traffic light accidentally works I always had to decide if I should stop at a red light - stand a good chance of getting rear ended if you do. I have had people tell me I should write a book about living in third world countries - But I decided that no one would believe it. Things like buying a broom, the handle is in one store and the broom head is in another and usually will not fit without modification. Light bulbs don't burn out, they blow up and blacken the wall and glass all over the floor. Water is available only tell something breaks or it is quitting time, Solution is a water tank on the roof for the frogs to live in and to be refilled when the water comes back which causes a overload on the system because every tank in town is filling at once, and shuts down the system. Then it starts all over again. One place I made my own hot water heater for the shower and do dishes - the locals said it was a waste of time. Want to know one source of back door trots, washing dishes in cold water and rinsing soap off them in cold water, it will keep you regular. There is many more reasons I came back home to the USA to retire, it isn't perfect - but it is great and I love the USA - Most of our major problems are fixable and the ones that aren't, are livable.
Yep to that.
I went to Russia and various eastern European countries around 15 years ago and the driving was 'different' to say the least.
In Moscow the main roads were very wide (up to 6 lanes wide each way). When you got to the lights there would be 8 or 9 rows of cars squeezed into 6 lanes. When the light turned so did your stomach. Even better was the guys who would nt wait for a green... they just drove on to the other side of the road and headed straight into the oncoming traffic with horns and light all going. Interesting to say the least.

Turkey, as I am sure the guys who have been there will testify is even more fun, especially if you tip the taxi drivers and say you are late for an important meeting with a government official. 6 seconds quarters are mild in comparison He He
I got tailgaters off my butt with the addition of a flamer system from the led sled gang. A 2 second burst of 8 feet of flame gets you PLENTY of space!
FIRE.... Good one Old Round Fart.

I've thought about two additions to my car. Air horns like a new Kenworth running off a nitrogen bottle and a tail pipe smoker like the smoke the areobatic airplane guys use.

The problems are;

I'm not sure air horns are legal and I'm sure I'd get sued for panicing some anesthisized cow on her cell phone. My best chance of winning that suit would be if she hires Frank Azar to repesent her. Now, when I pass some airhead on her cell phone I just lay on the horn and look the other way like it's not her trying to disrupt. In good weather, I put the window down and wave at anyone in the other lanes

My tail pipe is probably not hot enough to inject smoke oil in behind the cat..... OK, I could heat the pipe... not really worth it.The other one I've pondered is a pair of paint ball guns behind the front and rear bumpers*..... though I would not like being caught with that set up.

It would do me a world of good and the world a world of good if I just manged my frustrations and drive defensively. XM Radio helps here because I get really up tight with all the commercials on broadcast radio.

* Actually a decorative piece of plastic formerly known as a bumper.

I don't think my T Bucket and I would survive any of these "accidents"!!!
Did you notice that although those intersections obviously have red light cameras...people still run the lights?

The worst drivers in the world are inside I-95 in Boston. That was one of only two places in the country we would not accept a dispatch to. And Dottie is from up there.

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