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S&P --downgraged U.S. debt

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Gold--is rising because America is broke?--A sustained gold and oil boom indicates that the dollar is slipping into grave danger and the economy -is closer to collapse, according markets analyst.
Boy this thread is about a far as you can get from T Buckets.................................... :suicide:


I was thinking the same.

However, I find it really interesting to hear your individual takes on this. It is an educations to read this stuff as we only hear what the media tells us and that is (forgive me Mike) COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT.

Guys. This is NOT confined to the US, its all over the 'civilized' world, right now. You know I feel right at home cause I spelt civilised with a Zeee

Makes you wonder, what being careful, buying what you can afford and not havering credit or debt will get you in the end... probably nothing
“Thank you for the needed clarification on pols and polls. Perception is in the mind of the perceiver. I have made up my mind, don't bother me with the facts. “

“Thank you for the needed clarification?” Logically, you’re the one who should have provided that clarification. Admittedly, I’m not familiar with the term “pols”. Logic suggests it was either a typo (typographical error) or the use of some adolescent text messaging vernacular.

“Therefore I won't say that the highest illegal immigration occurred from 2000 through 2007 and has been reduced by almost half since then or that the 101st congress passed much of the environmental legislation that affects us today and it was signed by a republican president.”

"Therefore I won't say…" Then why did you say? Does that seem logical? It has to do with your politically left affiliation as evidenced by your first post sounding like something out of a government employee union newsletter and this. "I won’t say…” and then you immediately feel a party duty to dig up something from the past to change the subject. After two and a half years of this administration’s squandering ineptness what is the logic of still blaming Bush? This is none, however it remains a popular and common tactic used by the left.

“Nor would I say that if the U.N. hates the U.S. so much I wonder why they would want to place us at the top of the list of manufacturing countries.”

Apparently you didn’t bother with the facts and perceived my comments as “hate”. I didn’t say the UN hated the US, you did. The UN loves the US because they wouldn’t be living the ultra-elitist good life if they were headquartered where they might do some good like Haiti, Somalia or Rwanda. Logic would suggest there may be more than one reason the UN (choice of definition at your discretion) places us at the top of manufacturing. Even the UN may not be able to overlook the possibility it’s true. That combined with a possible second reason being a PR (Public Relations) exercise as public opinion against the UN is rapidly growing among tax paying Americans.

It’s the same UN American tax payers have support since 1945 to the tune of 22 percent of the UN’s regular budget and 27 percent of the UN’s peacekeeping budget while other countries don’t even pay their share of the rent

It’s this same UN that has been the subject of it’s squandering of millions if not billions of dollars more for personal gain on the black-hole of American tax payer dollars known as Haiti.

It’s the same UN that has criticized our human rights while including despots and dictators on their human rights council.

It’s the same UN that President Obama looks to for his war decisions. Obama started his very own war in Libya. Just what is the logic behind that decision? Why Libya and why not Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Yemen or Syria? Obama continues to fail to make an attempt to win the two wars he inherited. Two and a half years later he looks like he’s doing exactly what he condemmed Bush for doing. Obama has been documented as saying our drones were attacking villages (villagers) in Afghanistan, but now Obama has them doing the same in his war in Libya.

Now with the downgrading of our debt, the rest of the world knows Obama is on his way to destroying this country as a world power in favor of socialism.

Manufacturing in America has declined significantly and will continue to do so under this administration. Democrats want to EPA* and support the EPA**.

What an amazing fortuitous life you’ve had. I wonder what the odds are that one person could know people who have had direct experience with the health care systems of this and European countries and are comfortable with their socialized medicine and question the quality of ours? Logically, those odds appear to be at odds with the odds. What then is the logic behind your friends, politicians and leaders of other socialized-medicine countries coming here for medical treatment?

Socialism is for the subjects, not the Socialists.

*EPA = End Productivity in America ** Employment Prevention Act






“Thank you for the needed clarification on pols and polls. Perception is in the mind of the perceiver. I have made up my mind, don't bother me with the facts. “

“Thank you for the needed clarification?” Logically, you’re the one who should have provided that clarification. Admittedly, I’m not familiar with the term “pols”. Logic suggests it was either a typo (typographical error) or the use of some adolescent text messaging vernacular.

“Therefore I won't say that the highest illegal immigration occurred from 2000 through 2007 and has been reduced by almost half since then or that the 101st congress passed much of the environmental legislation that affects us today and it was signed by a republican president.”

"Therefore I won't say…" Then why did you say? Does that seem logical? It has to do with your politically left affiliation as evidenced by your first post sounding like something out of a government employee union newsletter and this. "I won’t say…” and then you immediately feel a party duty to dig up something from the past to change the subject. After two and a half years of this administration’s squandering ineptness what is the logic of still blaming Bush? This is none, however it remains a popular and common tactic used by the left.

“Nor would I say that if the U.N. hates the U.S. so much I wonder why they would want to place us at the top of the list of manufacturing countries.”

Apparently you didn’t bother with the facts and perceived my comments as “hate”. I didn’t say the UN hated the US, you did. The UN loves the US because they wouldn’t be living the ultra-elitist good life if they were headquartered where they might do some good like Haiti, Somalia or Rwanda. Logic would suggest there may be more than one reason the UN (choice of definition at your discretion) places us at the top of manufacturing. Even the UN may not be able to overlook the possibility it’s true. That combined with a possible second reason being a PR (Public Relations) exercise as public opinion against the UN is rapidly growing among tax paying Americans.

It’s the same UN American tax payers have support since 1945 to the tune of 22 percent of the UN’s regular budget and 27 percent of the UN’s peacekeeping budget while other countries don’t even pay their share of the rent

It’s this same UN that has been the subject of it’s squandering of millions if not billions of dollars more for personal gain on the black-hole of American tax payer dollars known as Haiti.

It’s the same UN that has criticized our human rights while including despots and dictators on their human rights council.

It’s the same UN that President Obama looks to for his war decisions. Obama started his very own war in Libya. Just what is the logic behind that decision? Why Libya and why not Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Yemen or Syria? Obama continues to fail to make an attempt to win the two wars he inherited. Two and a half years later he looks like he’s doing exactly what he condemmed Bush for doing. Obama has been documented as saying our drones were attacking villages (villagers) in Afghanistan, but now Obama has them doing the same in his war in Libya.

Now with the downgrading of our debt, the rest of the world knows Obama is on his way to destroying this country as a world power in favor of socialism.

Manufacturing in America has declined significantly and will continue to do so under this administration. Democrats want to EPA* and support the EPA**.

What an amazing fortuitous life you’ve had. I wonder what the odds are that one person could know people who have had direct experience with the health care systems of this and European countries and are comfortable with their socialized medicine and question the quality of ours? Logically, those odds appear to be at odds with the odds. What then is the logic behind your friends, politicians and leaders of other socialized-medicine countries coming here for medical treatment?

Socialism is for the subjects, not the Socialists.

*EPA = End Productivity in America ** Employment Prevention Act






The term "pols" is used in both the print and mass medias and I used it to shorten and avoid repeating the word politicians in a long post.

In rereading my post I should have used the words "I shouldn't have to say" because if one is going to complain about illegal immigration one should b knowledgeable about the current situation.

The U.S. in terms of the value of the goods produced is the largest manufacturing nation in the world. We no longer produce as broad a range of products as we did in the past. Our biggest loss has been in lower priced consumer goods. China has built its industry to get the world market in low priced consumer goods. The profits from this are then being used to go into upscale manufacturing. They took the basic plan from the Japanese. China will be far more successful than Japan because they have far more natural resources and a huge domestic market that will buy the low priced items when they are no longer competitive in the international market.

We, along with the rest of the world, face a huge long term problems in dealing with the Chinese. Obama has identified two very critical areas that must be addresses for long term prosperity, education and energy independence (but not at the expense of destroying our environment). Recently elected Republicans are doing their best to derail any progress in these areas. Whatever the rational that they currently offer for their actions they are not helping the country in the long run.

You may think that I support every liberal idea, I do not. I am very unhappy that Obama did not immediately end the two wars left by Bush.
There is no way, just like in southeast Asia, that we are going to create democracy with our military. As for Libya, he was damned no matter what he did. Members of Congress on both sides of the isle flip flopped on what action to take or was taken. On top of that he found out that our allies in his coalition do not have the ability to take over even though they are the big consumers of Libyan oil. Obama is also stuck with the terrorist prisoner problem because the Bush administration obtained information through illegal methods. Now we have criminals that we cannot try in a fair court of law without destroying our reputation.

Unfortunately the U.N. is the only world forum in existence. To exclude the problem nations will not help to solve the problems they create. Hopefully if we are talking we are not fighting. We pay the bills so that half or more of its members can and do use it to attack us for our actions. Yet when things go wrong in other parts of the world we are expected to be the policeman.

The down grading of our debt is a financial market move to put Congress in a position of not repeating the budget debacle. The treasury held one auction since this downgrade. There was no significant change in interest rates nor was there a shortage of buyers. Nor have the markets suggested that another currency should replace the dollar.

I think several definitions are needed to help us understand our society;

Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources

Social responsibility is an ethical ideology or theory that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act to benefit society at large. This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly advance social goals.

Socialism is a planned society, the means of production and resources are owned by everyone and managed by the government. We have had numerous instances where the government has taken over specific businesses or an industry by various methods to prevent social problems or control resources and production during times of war. But this has never been done with the intention to continue after the crisis is past.

Social responsibility is a part of our very culture and is stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. We all like to think of ourselves as rugged individuals, but the reality of our history is that it has been only through social cooperation that we have been able to achieve our modern society.

The President can declare a state of emergency for a valid reason, but it would take an act of Congress to achieve socialism in this country. As for Social responsibility, that is one going debate that is affected by individual actions and the actions of our elected officials. We will never totally agree what is involved in promoting the general welfare of the people in our country, but that is far different than socialism.

I can only state that the foreigners I knew all felt that our medial system is complicated, hard to understand from their perspective and they did not have as much confidence in it as they did with their system. We have a lot of choices and with those choices come restrictions. Their system was a given and basically everything was covered and they felt more secure.

Fear mongering along with the smoke and mirrors our politicians feed to us to get reelected is scary. Too many people allow their emotions, rather than investigate the facts. The willingness to accept as fact some of the outrageous stories that haunt the internet because one small statement within is fact even though other statements are obvious misstatements is rampant. Several years ago some far right religious groups were upset because we were teaching critical thinking in our public schools.

It has been described in a comprehensive sense as "the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action"[sup]


There must be somewhere else to discuss the problems with the world than on a T Bucket Fourm...............JMHO.........

Come on lets get back to the real problem at hand............................Buckets............ :ohthedrama: :soapbox: :flush: :spank: :woops: :rulz: :pfff: :dhb: :tnku:

Usually, these types of issues are discussed and solved at the local tavern. As I recall, we always had the answer to the world's problems. Just couldn't ever get anybody to listen to us.
:sux: :nono:

Coming here has always been like going out to the garage when the "War Department" has her undies in a bunch. I hate the endless rounds of the "political blame game" on other forums I belong too. I come here to relax and enjoy myself I don't feel we need these kinds of discussions here, let's get back to T-Buckets.
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