Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Saw this at swap meet


New Member
I saw this on Saturday when I went to the Decatur swap meet... It was all totally original... just thought I would share
I'm to old to take that job on.LOTS of work to do on that baby.Thanks for the pic.
I'll take the windshield post....:lol:
amazing how they still pop up after 82 years!!!!!

fluidfloyd said:
And just how much did they want for that low mileage one owner?


I was afraid to ask although he is pretty reasonable on his parts... He has a bunch of T parts, (bodies, hoods, etc..) model A's... kinda like a junkyard type...

If you really care to know, I can call him and ask.
im with track-t , i'll take the windshield posts and frame.. go good on my 27steel body.

could you please call him and ask him how much a set of windshield posts and frame, without glass for a 1927 truck would cost...
Holy Rusty Bucket Batman! Holy in more ways than one!

That tub is exactly what I've been looking for.

If it had a good price I would have been interested. The patches would have been easy ... who am I kidding I would have rocked it just like it sits, but then again I'm a big fan of rusty cars LOL.

No price?

He wants $12,500, its a 27 T Touring... He is working on getting the motor free'd up today... If ya'll want his number, its 817-454-5405 and his name is Lynn.
Did the guy have a fever? That is way too high for a rusty car.
dovehunter79 said:
He wants $12,500, its a 27 T Touring... He is working on getting the motor free'd up today... If ya'll want his number, its 817-454-5405 and his name is Lynn.
Wow that's way too much!!
WHOA, that is about 11,500 to 12,000 to much. :welcome:
Whats he smoking?Bet he rolls his own.:welcome::lol:
hey todd...wanna haul some of my junk to texas????????

Youngster said:
hey todd...wanna haul some of my junk to texas????????


Sure, anything to get out of this snow storm. Can you believe thunder and lightening during a blizzard?
would I be rubbing it in if I was to say its 86 degrees right now and that the wind is blowing just enough to make it feel like a nice spring day? If my T was on the road, I was prolly go to Mexico.
And get your head cut off and your ride stolen to smugggle drugs in.:sad:And yes you are rubbing it in.LOL

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