Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Scrap Dealer


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About a month ago I hauled some bad heads, block, crank, and a pile of drums and rotors to a scrap dealer. While unloading my own stuff, one of the yard men came up to help. I spotted a flathead Ford V8 in the scarp pile and asked the helper about it. He said, the owner would sell it. He also informed me there was an old hemi engine there. After looking both over, I had them loaded.
In speaking with the owner, we made a deal, which he make money on both ends. I guess that's why he's in business. Today I went by to see the yardman, who pointed out the hemi to me. I was going to give him my name and number and $5 to remember me. I wrote dowm a general listing of engines I might be interested in. The yardman was not there and I left the money and info with the owner's brother. He quizzed me like, I was criminal and told me I could not tip the workers. I told him, I owed the $5 to Jessie, the yardman. He did not like it, but took the money. He told me to go ahead and look in the motor pile and the price now was $100 per block. I did not see anything I could get to and would risk $100 on. The old price was 35 cents per pound, which would be more on something like a hemi. When I get home, my wife tells me the scrap dealer had called. Being the optimist, I thought something was available, not so fast, old gray one. The owner very harshly wanted to know why I left money for his helper. I fessed up and told him the whole story. He told me, I would abide by his rules, which did not allow for tipping. I told him, my intent was to thank the yardman for his informing of something I might want to buy and to make an impression, so I would come to mind if he saw something I might want. Believe me I have really mellowed out, but I am sitting here smoking out the ears about his attitude. I reminded him I had dealt with him on the previous purchase and I had no intentions of trying to procure anything outside of an honest transaction. I have some idea of what you have to deal with in a scrap yard, but the guy must be doing drugs to think $5 would enough to bribe a guy. I do not think someone would leave a bribe at the office with the owners brother.

On a lighter note, the 4 bolt chevy blocks are everywhere, about 4 big blocks, a 390 S 4V intake, 2 alum V8 4 valve engines an LS something, engine cover was broken to be scraped. People are picking up everything they can and scraping it. I doubt I will hear or see the many treasures that will be destroyed. I think they drop the engines from about 10 feet onto the pile, not good for them.

There are 2 old tractors there. One steel wheel John Deere and an old Case. I could not be in that business, I would be surrounded by all those treasures.

I just my 50 years of being on this planet, I've come to realize something that everyone should remember. There's a lot of buttholes out there. If you like, you may share this wisdom. :rolleyes:
My thoughts exactly. The only reason it makes a difference to me, is the chance of rare engines, axles, wishbones etc being scrapped. Maybe you guys can check out the local recyclers and salvage an old nailhead or hemi.

good luck,
I too have had a similar story went to get something picked it out went back the next day seen someone different and a whole new price not happy. whats that old saying buyer beware,,,

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