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Show Me State Fun Run - July 7-9, 2023


Staff member
The Missouri show me State Fun Run will be Sept 7th-9th in Springfield Mo..
Hotel: Holiday Inn and Suites,2720 Glenstone Ave. Springfield, Mo.65803. Southeast corner of I-44 and Glenstone Ave.
For reservations call 417-865-8600 or 1-800-465-4329. Cut off date for Reservations is 8/6.
Tentative schedule:
Thursday 9/7: Smallin Civil War Cave. Lunch at Finley Farms and Ozark Mill.
Friday 9/8: Thr Original Bass Pro Shop and Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium.
Saturday 9/9: Wilson Creek National Battlefield. Very nice cruise. Back to hotel for cook out and fishbowl raffle.
And then Springfield cruise night.
Other options:
Rt 66 car Museum
History Museum
Fantastic Caverns
Pythian Castle.

Hope to see you there.
Gary Hotchkin
Oops - the date for the Show Me State Fun Run in the title above is obviously wrong; should be September 7-9! :rolleyes:
Few "Trailer Queens" in that lot?? Actually I completely understand the use of a trailer for long distances, I did the same with my Clubman Sports Car for interstate trips, my Wife wasn't prepared to travel long distances in an open car in hot weather. (Read that as Any Weather) :laugh:

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