Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Single wheel trailer


Been working on a single wheel trailer suspension setup. Several years ago I bought a one wheel trailer off Ebay and had the guy cut the frame and send me just the wheel, tire and swivel assembly. A month or so ago I ran across it in the garage and figured I would start getting it in shape. I started taking it apart and discovered the swivel part was completely frozen up and there was NO WAY it was gonna get free. So I looked at it and got to thinking maybe I could use a trailer stub axle and a trailer hub for the swivel. So I drew up a sketch and had GAB cut and drill some 3/8" plate and some 3"x3/8" angle. Welded it up and took all the pieces and had them powdercoated and this is what I got so far. Thinking about making a frame about 48"x60" to haul the barstool kart and then between the front tow rails will make a recessed well to hold an ice chest.
Nice rebuild on the wheel. Is that a water bed?
Been working on a single wheel trailer suspension setup. Several years ago I bought a one wheel trailer off Ebay and had the guy cut the frame and send me just the wheel, tire and swivel assembly. A month or so ago I ran across it in the garage and figured I would start getting it in shape. I started taking it apart and discovered the swivel part was completely frozen up and there was NO WAY it was gonna get free. So I looked at it and got to thinking maybe I could use a trailer stub axle and a trailer hub for the swivel. So I drew up a sketch and had GAB cut and drill some 3/8" plate and some 3"x3/8" angle. Welded it up and took all the pieces and had them powdercoated and this is what I got so far. Thinking about making a frame about 48"x60" to haul the barstool kart and then between the front tow rails will make a recessed well to hold an ice chest.
is that a wheelbarrow wheel? i think it can't handle road speed to many rpms and ididn't see any bearings if is just an axel with a grease zert it for sure will burn up at road speed even if it has bearings they will be to small. don't wanna make you mad just what i think
ain't mad. Just explaining there are wheelbarrow tires and then there are trailer tires for small trailers like small pop-ups and utility trailers. And trailer wheel bearings require maintainence as well as other vehicles.

Do you live in a state that has lower speed limits for trailers? Also, since this set up does not even use a hitch, is it still deemed a trailer? I see it as a extension of the vehicle with a tag axle.

LOL @ RPM, there ya go instigating again...

To Gary, them's fighting words. :)

Do you live in a state that has lower speed limits for trailers? Also, since this set up does not even use a hitch, is it still deemed a trailer? I see it as a extension of the vehicle with a tag axle.


I live in the great state of Texas. Have lower speed limits for Trucks and Trailers but I have never been pulled over for hauling a trailer at the car speed limit. The old Allstate 8" tire I would not go much over 40-45. But with the Loadstar high speed tire I will not worry about it on the highway. I doubt I will go faster than 65 or so pulling this one wheel trailer anyway. Plus it won't be much further than 100 miles or so. 15 body is too small for long trips plus at 5mpg I don't go that far away between gas stops and getting out and stretch.

Two of my trailers are registered as "homebuilt trailer". All you gotta tell them is how many pounds you plan on towing and they give you a Trailer license plate. I will be registering this trailer the same way and tell them it will only be hauling 1000 lbs or so. But it will really only see no more than 500 at the most. In the eyes of a cop or DPS I would think he would consider it a trailer, I would. Seen many small one wheel trailers behind a motorcycle and they have a trailer tag.

California is hard assed about trailers and truck's lower speed limit. A friend that is a CHP told me that they want to keep the lower speed for trucks and trailers to aid in their commerical enforcement efforts. This is how that works, to check a commerical driver's log book out on the highway, they can't stop them for that purpose alone, and since most all truckers are travelling over 55 mph, it allows them to be pulled over for that, then they can check logs. After my last trip in the T to Arizona, I noticed that all vehicles are allowed to travel at 75 mph. In my opinion, that is so much safer when eveyone rolls along at the same speed.

I did forget your limited range between fuel stops. On my long trips if my butt allows, I generally stop after 300 miles to get fuel.


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