Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Small Town Weekend in El Reno Ok


Well-Known Member
Just 15 miles west of me in El Reno Ok, they close off Route 66 in town for a couple of days and have a car show, burnout contest (not my thing) and a closed loop cruise and Saturday evening. The cops block every side street and ONLY street legal 1989 or older vehicles are allowed on the 5-6 loop of Route 66.

The cops were pretty lenient as long as you didn't get too crazy. I got on it briefly several times and had no problems. Slicks and open headers were OK. I only saw one actual ticket being given out.

One of the cops stopped me and gave me a ticket, redeemable for a door prize, had you for a second there didn't I
. I guess the sponsoring club gave some to each cop and they handed them out to the car they like. I though for sure it was going to be a 60" flat screen TV, but I was wrong ..... it was $25 dollars which paid my fee for the cruise.

My brother and wife went with me and we pulled off and traded riders, took breaks etc from 7-10 pm. I really enjoyed it!!!

On Sunday morning they close Route 66 and have drag races. But this year that was rained out, it does look like they are going to reschedule that event thou.

Below is a video my brother shot of me going by.


Pretty cool, sounds like a good time. May put that on my list for next year. It is only about 150 miles from Broken Arrow. I went to the Route 66 Blowout in Sapulpa on the 7th. It was fun, but El Reno sounds "funner".
I think that is all the buckets that were there.. I know that they only called 2 names in the TBucket class at the awards.
Oh yeah, Ttown, are you going to the Hogs and Hot Rods in Collinsville Saturday? I will be there in my 29 red Sedan Delivery.
Pretty cool, sounds like a good time. May put that on my list for next year. It is only about 150 miles from Broken Arrow. I went to the Route 66 Blowout in Sapulpa on the 7th. It was fun, but El Reno sounds "funner".
Do try, if you needed a shop for something I am on the west side of OKC in Yukon.
They have rescheduled the Drag Races for Saturday June 21st from 8 am to 12 pm. Hope some of you can make it, I plan and being there at this time.

The yellow text is hard to read ......
"No Pre-Registration Available for this event
Registration price is $20 at the event

It's not a full 1/4 mile, more like an 1/8 mile and no clocks or times are given based on the previous year videos that I have watched.

Choppedtop, I will be going to the Mid America Shelby meet this weekend. They will be at Hallett Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the drags on Saturday and the Show at Southern Hills Marriott Sunday. But I may try to slip up to Collinsville on Saturday.
9am to 6pm Saturday. Ugh, long day for a car show. Lots of other stuff going on there also. I will be in the 29 red sedan delivery. Should be parked with the Tulsa Roadsters space. Hope to see you there, if you get a chance.

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