Hey Folks!! I got home last night around 7 PM. Visited in Barstow with Bob Buckles then on to Reno to se my sister. VERY HEAVY rain in Reno. Went on to Grants Pass to visit my brother and family just in time to celebrate the high school graduation of the youngest daughter.
Very uneventful trip driving home.
The run in S0-Cal was an absolute blast even though I was on the disabled list. The folks from Tuscon (Eddie in particular) worked very hard on getting the car driveable. Many of the guys from AZ worked harder than one could ever expect. Al, Duke, and Jerry, outstanding!! I cannot thank sufficiently all the folks involved in the maintenance recovery effort.
Metting up with Bob Buckles and Ted Brown were huge events. Ted probably has more knowledge in his fingers that I have in my entire body.
The car is home safe and I get a adjuster out here on Monday. I know I will have to pull new headlight wires, remove and paint the caliper, make a new draglink, replace the steering box and beef up the column.
All in all, a very lyucky day for me. The Toyota has a good bash job on the left front and the Chevy pickup will need maybe as much as a bed side. There were no hot tempers and nobody was hurt. Al looked after me like a father.
It appears to me that a loose jamb nut was the cause of this whole thing. Well, ok it was my failure to tighten the jamb nut. LI'll keep you posted as the repairs progress.