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something for your money


New Member
Long story short I work for a non for profit school.It kind of a second chance alternative school.Anyway as said we use t bucket kits to teach students about cars and keep there interest.We depend alot on the sale of donated project cars and donated funds.
My latest idea is to offer a class to people who donate money.If we could get 4-8 guys to donate the funds for the car then they could be part of the class and have the oppertunity to assemble the car.then the car would be sold and we would have funding for the class.
of course the big hurdle would be finding the people with the money but i think it will happen.
I would like your thoughts on the idea
my only regret is that i'm not close enough to partake in the kind of a program. for those of you that are, i would urge you to consider this. there is nothing like showing a kid how to do something and seeing the sparkle in there eyes when they accomplish the task. it's worth the price of admission.

Youngster said:
my only regret is that i'm not close enough to partake in the kind of a program. for those of you that are, i would urge you to consider this. there is nothing like showing a kid how to do something and seeing the sparkle in there eyes when they accomplish the task. it's worth the price of admission.


I agree! A lot of times a second chance and someone who cares can change a persons life.

We are not close enough to go and be a part, BUT we could be talked into donating a few things to help the cause. I am sure UPS will be glad to haul it for us.
That sounds like a wonderful opportunity for someone like myself who would love to build a car again but feels that he's a bit over the hill to do it alone. I'd jump on a chance to help in a heartbeat if you were located closer to me.
Telman2 said:
That sounds like a wonderful opportunity for someone like myself who would love to build a car again but feels that he's a bit over the hill to do it alone. I'd jump on a chance to help in a heartbeat if you were located closer to me.

But what about that electric fan laying there on the shelf. You know the one thats been there for 4-5 years and you don't need it and don't really know anyone that does. You or we could donate to this cause and help these kids. And then you could feel as though you had a part in changing someones life for the better.
RPM said:
But what about that electric fan laying there on the shelf. You know the one thats been there for 4-5 years and you don't need it and don't really know anyone that does. You or we could donate to this cause and help these kids. And then you could feel as though you had a part in changing someones life for the better.

That's a great idea, I spent the summer trying to clean out a lot of that stuff but I'm sure I could come up with something if not a cash donation would be doable.
You guys are great! I have been sitting on this for a while and didn't want to come off as begging for money or parts, but this response is awsome.
The school is The Crossing Education Center
Crossing Ministries
My uncle was on the board for the school and he and I had a T bucket that we built with a mens small group from his church.We had been trying to sell it and had no luck. He decided we should have the school raffel it off and let them have the proceeds.Then the idea came to start a class for students to teach them a trade.
Since then we have built the black T with flames in my avtar.We had it at a car show and we sold it! We have had a few more normal cars that we have worked on and this school year we started another T.
I work a full time job and have this class 2 nights a week.We have talked several times about doing a 5 day class and trying to get it to be a full time job for me. Most of these students do not come from well to do families and we charge very little for them to be in the class.So the funding comes from the same of the project cars.
We have the use of a 4 bay shop that a local car dealer is letting us use,before that in my uncles home garage! Alittle back ground on me while i'm rambling. I when to UTI in Glendale Height Ill.I then worked as a tech for a local Saturn dealer,Then a local Chevy dealer. total about 8 years,I had some bad back trouble and got out of it. I currently work at an Advance Auto parts.
Any help would be great even more ideas on things I could do to keep the kids attention and the class going strong.
OK guys I am in. What do you need? Do you have any parts at all? Do you any kind of a plan as to what this car should be when finished? I don't want to send rat rod type parts when you want to build something nice and shiny.

Don't be shy!!!!! This is a good cause. Is this what you have already?
Awesome idea! Auto shop has disappeared from a lot of the highschools here. It's great to hear that someone is willing to devote time and knowledge to the next generation. I wish I was closer, I'd love to kick in.
Currently we have a person who is nice enough to loan us the money for the car and when its sold we can pay off the loan and keep the profit.
We have ordered a complete kit through Total Performance.includeing interior gauges ect.
We are using the Engine from a different project.
Things we need:
Rims and tires
anything pretty to put on the engine "350,350 trans"
non HEI distributer and coil.
spark plug wires
Electric fan
air cleaner/scoop
I'm sure theres more I just cant think of right now
The plan for the car is to go with a medium/light blue with chrome wheels basic car will be same as the black one but different wheels and blue but no flames
Any help would be great
I remember my Art teacher in the first week of class, That I would be a Lot wiser taking auto shop. Best advice she could have gave me. My art talents really suck. :faint:
ok, i'm in too! i think i have an accel dual point somewhere. let me look. it'll need a rebuild i'm sure but it's yours if you want it.

:lol:That is funny my art teacher the second year told me and a friend that we both could not take the class we had both been in his first year class. So we both took auto shop now he is a carpenter and I have been turning wenches for 15 years at a dealership.
speedkills502 Since when is there a dealership that you can turn wenches wouldn't that be a house of ill repute? LOL
putz said:
speedkills502 Since when is there a dealership that you can turn wenches wouldn't that be a house of ill repute? LOL

If they are hiring put me down for an application. I'll work for minimum wage. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the support guys please send to
Crossing Education Center
C/O Scott Keyser Auto Class
2930 S. Nappanee St.
Elkhart ,In 46517

Also we had a meeting today about starting another program. This one will be a father/son type auto class. and be open to the public not just the schools' students.Hopefully we can keep this fun going strong!!!!!
crossingts said:
Thanks for the support guys please send to
Crossing Education Center
C/O Scott Keyser Auto Class
2930 S. Nappanee St.
Elkhart ,In 46517

Also we had a meeting today about starting another program. This one will be a father/son type auto class. and be open to the public not just the schools' students.Hopefully we can keep this fun going strong!!!!!

I've got a working SBC distributor I took out of my 327 when I put in a Uni-lite... if you have use for it, I'd be happy to send it to you...

BTW, I would recommend father / child class... my daughter is way more into car than either of my sons!

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