Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

spring over or spring behind with a Straight 6


New Member
I'm going to start my build soon and have a question on axle choices. I am planning on running a Ford 300 c.i. straight six and am wondering if anyone would know the pro's and con's of running a spring over or spring behind front axle with this engine.
Because of the I6 your frame will be a bit longer. The only thing that the spring location will change is your wheelbase. The spring itself will funtion the same both ways.

I'm going to start my build soon and have a question on axle choices. I am planning on running a Ford 300 c.i. straight six and am wondering if anyone would know the pro's and con's of running a spring over or spring behind front axle with this engine.

Have you built your ford yet? I raced them for 25 yrs ,, there is so many things you can do to the ford 6, 300

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