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Spring Spreader

Baby Huey

New Member
A few weeks ago when I was working on my front shocks I took the spring hangers and shackles apart. Putting them back together took a couple of C-clamps and a small floor jack. So I thought before I do this again I should build a spreader.
Thats what I did today, using shop scraps..
Material: 3/4" square tubing, 24" long
6-8" of 5/8" all thread
5/8 Nut/flat washer
some small tubing cut in half
I used the 5/8 " All Thread because it fit good inside the thinwall 3/4" steel tubing.
I found some small tubing or pipe that fit the radius of the spring eyes, cut em in half.
I welded these pieces of tube onto the end of the square tube and the All-Thread. You will notice they are NOT welded in the Center, thats because they will not fit close to the spring eye radius, up next to the leaf.
Cleaned it up and painted it....Done deal. "BH":cool:

That's a nice idea, BH, and simple to build. I had a bit of a tough time with mine...first and only time so far. I put it down to a lack of knowledge and experience. I've been hoping I don't have to do it too often. Tom
great post of a realy simple and inexpencive tool. also a good safety tool.

hey this is build your owne tool day cool!!!!

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