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Steering box options


New Member
I am planning on using a traditional steering setup. Any suggestions for steering boxes besides the corvair box. If possible I would like to do something different. I have a 2wd toyota pickup steering box but don't have enough room to make it work. I have heard of guys using early mustang boxes but are they using them in cross steer outfits?
The mustange box mounts inside and below the frame rail. The sector shaft runs under the rail and the pitman arm points up.

Hey Ron-- I've got a '65 Econoline van box here also. Looks pretty cool. Think it would also work?
I have a 50's ford truck box. I have some ideas on mounting it but would like some more input. The box didn't come with a pitman arm. Any ideas where I could source one.

We are using a '52 F1 box on our current build as well (not mounted yet). The earlier passenger car pitman arms are the same spline. I picked an original one up off of flebay for about $30. Another note, Speedway sells a small booklet by Vern Tardel on rebuilding and cleaning these boxes that is worth the $8 or so...

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