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Steering column and wheel Keyway...


New Member
My column has a keyway to mount the steering wheel.
The key seems loose in the shaft and is difficult to keep straight when sliding on the wheel.

Any tips on how to keep it straight when the wheel goes on?
It makes me nervous because there are no splines and all input to turning relies on this key to move the shaft. If it should fall in the shaft , I will lose my steering!
Thinking of a few spot welds to keep them joined in case of failure.
Anyone have a differant view on how to make this as safe as possible?
You could loctite the key in the keyway. Don't get any on the hub of the wheel or you will never get it off. You can also peen the edge of the keyway with a small hammer this will make the key way smaller and lock the key in place.
You could loctite the key in the keyway. Don't get any on the hub of the wheel or you will never get it off. You can also peen the edge of the keyway with a small hammer this will make the key way smaller and lock the key in place.

Very good suggestions, I have a small tube of the Loctite bearing retainer for worn parts.
Never have tried it, also have the blue and red , of course.
Thank you!
Very good suggestions, I have a small tube of the Loctite bearing retainer for worn parts.
Never have tried it, also have the blue and red , of course.
Thank you!

Be sure that you have the correct key width. The woodruf key, if properly fit should only be a few thousandths of an inch narrower that the key slot. I have seen people make a key from ??? if they lost the original one. The key is hardened to prevent sheer and ultimately failure so be sure that it fits correctly. If unsure, check your local hardware store like Ace if you have one, if not you can get a new key from

Good Luck...
If it's a Ford column, Order one from a Ford parts store. Henry used one that was only common to the auto industry. You don't want a sloppy fit there!

If it's a Ford column, Order one from a Ford parts store. Henry used one that was only common to the auto industry. You don't want a sloppy fit there!

Not sure of the make of the column, I've got in on there straight with the suggestions given.
The steering feels good, no slop. Drove it all around during the Turkey Rod Run and to work all last week with no problems!
Thanks for your help, this is a great forum!

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