Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

T-Bucket Forums statistics - 29 June

Al, this isn't my success. This is OUR success. A forum is a lonely place without its members. Our growth is down to what all of you are doing. So it's all of you that deserve the congratulations and the thanks.
Thanks for all your work.We couldn't enjoy these times without you doing your part.
Way to go
I gotta tell ya this one. Yesterday while I was at the corner store getting some refreshment, this guy comes up to me and says he noticed my t-shirt with a T bucket on it. Then he tells me all about this NEW site he found about buckets. When he finially stopped babbling about all the great infor and how he was going to start his own build, I asked him what the name of the site was. It's T he says. You ought to check it out. It's awesome! I snickered to myself all the way home. LOL

There isn't anything I can say that the guys above haven't already said. I'll just say thanks to everyone who has made this come to pass. Can't wait 'til the next set of stats come out!

WOW thats great ,I knew there was more traffic "post's" I used to look at the new post numbers and there might be 10 to 15 now it is more like 50 ! Great singe of growth ! Congrats !
Wow its growing fast :D
Youngster said:
Can't wait 'til the next set of stats come out!
Well, there are a few more hours in the day, so I'll try to post some stats from the end of the month in the morning. But I will tell you that yesterday set another new record for daily activity. By approximately 10%!
RocknT said:
WOW thats great ,I knew there was more traffic "post's" I used to look at the new post numbers and there might be 10 to 15 now it is more like 50 ! Great singe of growth ! Congrats !

there has been many a time that when I've logged on that I've seen over 100 new posts since my last log-in usually with-in 24 hours....
Well, I just pulled in the numbers from the end of the month. I am positively gobsmacked.

Our total number of visits in June was up 43% over May. That number is up 89% over January.

Our total number of unique visits in June was up 44% over May. That number is up 99% over January.

Our total number of hits in June was up 21% over May. That number is up 261% over January.

Our bandwidth usage in June was up 29% over May. That number is up 665% (yes, that is six hundred, sixty-five percent) over January.

If you look back at my first post, you will see, "Wow, I found a gold mine!" It looks like I'm not the only one. This forum was/is a long needed improvement over what was available just 6 months ago. I can't thank Webmaster and all the rest of the members who have made this site what it is and what it's going to become.


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