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T Bucket in Toronto?


New Member
Hey everyone!

I’m looking to purchase a T from NY state which is a Total Performance car. it has an original 1923 title and VIN. It’s been transferred to a NY ownership. I’m told that kit cars has to be assembled for 15 years, then can be imported. This was completed 2 years ago or so.....

Any way to get this to Canada and plate it? I’m guessing that if I say it’s an original 1923 with that original vin registration, it may work? Customs don’t like kits. Of course, it doesn’t look nowhere original..... must be a way. There are lots of T buckets and rod kit cars
Welcome from St Louis! You will get lots of help with your T-bucket from this site, but . . . Canadian registration??? Way above my pay grade!:confused: Suggestion: get in touch with some other T-bucket owners in Toronto and see what they recommend.
Welcome from New Mexico, what Spanky said.
Check with RIV, the Canadian import agency that governs what vehicles come in to Canada if you haven't already. You'll still have to meet the Provincial legislation regarding their guidelines in order to register it too.
I ended up purchasing mine close to home here in Alberta but I was entertaining bringing one in from the U.S. There's so many nice ones south of the 49th but with the nasty exchange rate and all the red tape I was looking out west here as well and came across tweetie bird here.
Good luck, where there's a will there's a way usually.

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