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T bucket rules?


New Member
I have been hearing and reading stuff about T bucket building rules and I am wondering where these rules are and who they are coming from. I got into T Buckets many years ago and I built my first one 2 years ago. I love these little cars and there were no rules except for a mostly unwriten general rule of "Build it safe and reliable" which I firmly and whole hartedly believe in.

I have been hearing and reading things such as, it is incorrect to build the front end with a suiside mounted front spring, somewhere on here somebody mentioned that GM 11" front disk brake rotors are too big, bulky and heavy on a T-Bucket, etc.

Sorry, but I just don't understand what the hub-bub is all about.

I honestly don't think Norm Gabrowski or any of our early hotrodders of day's gone by listened to anyone about what they could or could not do building there cars.

I do know what my friend Gene Winfield up the road from me in Lancaster, CA would say to anyone telling him how to build his hotrods.

All I'm saying is to build it how you want it to be... Just build it safe and reliable!
The only rules I have seen about suicide axles were from canada not allowing them, and as for gm brakes some guys said they are a bit hard to balance because of being heavy, I would hate to think someone would try to impose rules on us.:D
Haven't seen any rules but I have built a few cars. Somethings work better than others. I just try to pass on the things that have worked for me. When someone asks a question and I don't have an answer. I'm learning just like the guy that asked.

Nope, No rules.

However, some things just plain look wrong. And even that is an opinion.
The only rules I'm aware of are the requirements set by your DMV which you will have to meet in order to get your vehicle licensed.

I have a rule make it so you attract young kids attention keep the sport alive. Better than those chipmunk motors anyway
Or build one with a chipmunk motor to get their attention.
Gee, the only t bucket rule is that

T buckets Rule!

Rules??? We ain't got no stinking rules!
Gee.. I hope nothing that I've written implies that anyone (other than DMV) have imposed any "rules" on me!
I've never read any posts here saying anything about rules. Just great ideas and suggestions/direction. And I've read a LOT of the old posts here.
Now.. other T sites... that's different. Maybe you are reading the "rules" elsewhere.
Build it safe and for your pleasure.
Just build what looks good and is safe. :thumbsup: With a bucket everything is out in the open, so image is everything.
The only rule is keep the DMV and Highway Patrol off your 6
Build it the way You want and make it safe .
You know I though all about that when i started mine at 17
And I did drive it.With out front breaks or gages.
Now I'm a lot older and yes I would changet some things.

Yeah, there are rules but the others are too polite to tell you about them :thumb: but coz you asked, Im happy to help:

The big wheels go on the back
The small wheels go on the front
The engine goes in the front
The rear end has the drive wheels
It should be built safe
It should be built to drive lots of miles

Then there are the recommendations:
An american engine is the preferred option
The body should be something, or should resemble something Henry Ford built between 1913 and 1927

Then your personal preferences kick in
engine size
Jag bum or solid rear
Auto or manual

Actually, from the rules, the recommendations and the preferences, you have enough lattitude to build pretty much whatever you want. :D

And thats how it should be. How can you guys be "from the land of the free" if you have to build your buckets to somebody elses formula?
Andf the other "rule" - take a toothpick to remove the bugs from your teeth as you wont be able to keep the smile of your face when our cruising on a fine day.

That rule is for those who look over the top of their windscreens

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