Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

T-buckets make people smile, or...

Just finished my Jack on the rocks. My wife bought a red USA cap for me and the next time I went to put it on, it had an 18" silver ponytail glued to the back. I drove one of my T's to the local cafe wearing it and the waitress ask "How long have you been growing that ponytail?" I took it off and said ,"Oh, about 15". The bikers sitting next to me fell on the floor laughing. They thought it was real also.
AZCOWBO, Harvey and I were cruising around Lenoir and got caught at a red light. Harv was sitting next to a car full of people that were checking out his ride.

Here's a pic.

Notice the visor he's wearing... another shot.

He was running his hands over the spikes on top of his head like there was something stuck in his hair. Then he removed the visor and kept dusting off the hair in the visor, and the car full of people next to him erupted in laughter and they knew why we call him Chrome Dome.

It was just about the funniest things I've ever witnessed.

I was at the twice a month rod gathering at Deb's Frosty in Diamond Springs, CA last night. Great group of people and many non-rod owning admirers. One gal was standing behind my Track-T (I had backed in to the spot earlier) as I was getting ready to leave holding the leashes to two little dogs. I told her my start up might scare her dogs and she repiled that they were accustomed to noisy engines, and thanked me for the warning. Upon lighting the fire I watched in my side view mirror those two slack leashes snap tight like bow strings. I guess she underestimated her dog's abilites to remain calm under fire.
I think the smile are in admiration of the car. I think even the uninformed can more readily associate a T-bucket with a hot rod than they can a high dollar coupe or roadster of later vintage that was probably store-bought. Right after I got mine on the road I was stopped at a stop sign when a local banker came around the corner. He stopped and exclaimed, "That's beautiful!" I know he wasn't talking about me.
Just finished my Jack on the rocks. My wife bought a red USA cap for me and the next time I went to put it on, it had an 18" silver ponytail glued to the back. I drove one of my T's to the local cafe wearing it and the waitress ask "How long have you been growing that ponytail?" I took it off and said ,"Oh, about 15". The bikers sitting next to me fell on the floor laughing. They thought it was real also.

You mean i didn't have to spend the last 7 years growing my hair. I could have just bought it. :)
I think you have it wrong Lee, people are not laughing at you, they are admiring you and wishing THEY where in that seat feeling the air and hearing the rumble and having people check them out. I am on the younger side of a lot of you hot rodders and can tell you I admire what the older guys have done and built, and beside you guys always have way better story's. Keep rollin with pride and if you get to old to climb in, cut a door!

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