Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

T-Odd birthday


bottom of the first page says it's T-odd's 40th birthday. Still a pup but have a happy anyway!:D
Happy Birthday!
Oh yeah it's been a heck of a day. Started off with a Breakfast cruise with ten buckets or so, then a couple of cruises for supplies and then a cruise to a little car museum type of thing with maybe 30 buckets.

B-Day cake, some In-N-Out goodies from SS-T (WOO HOO!), a couple of cards and an inflatable friend from Roswell... I'm sure you'll be seeing pics!

Haven't found a Shake Joint (and I'm not talking about milk and ice cream) so I guess I'll just sit in the parking lot and have some Miller or some Apple Pie shine.

Thanks all, it's been a fun 12 hours so far and the night's still young.
Go ahead take one for the team have a great birthday. And get to know what getting older feels like. They say 40 is the new 30. Happy birthday.:D
Sounds like you had a terrible day. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday T-Odd. Are you saying there are 30 buckets in Lenoir already? We'll be there Wednesday evening. Hopefully the weather is treating you well (we don't have a roof).

Wish I could join in the festivities. Happy B'Day... :hb: :beer::D
Oh to be 30 again if that was my present........We had fun with mr T-Odd for sure.............about 50 buckets in Lenoir already.........
Some one PLEASE have her deliver my birthday cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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