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T Shirt rip off


Well-Known Member
I saw the image of Gerry's car at the LA Roadster Show in 2010. They were selling t-shirts that were black. One of the t-shirts had the car in yellow and you could also buy a t-shirt with the car in red. The car has a different look than anything I've ever seen, very easy to spot. They were also selling calendars. It was easy to remember because the words spelled out "Phat's T- buckets 2010 LA Roadster Show".

If anyone out there has seen or got one of these T Shirts can you send me a picture. I want to establish if they used a pic of my T so I can approach them for an explanation to why and how they did it. I have a friend in CA whos brother in law is an attorney, so maybe (if its mine) I have some recompense. I DO NOT want these guys getting away with it with my T or anyone else's. Why sould they make money out of us?

Thanks in advance

PS. If anyone can post this for me on other sites it would be helpful
If they were selling them at the LA Roadster show, they will probably be selling them again at the Grand National Roadster Show which is this coming weekend. I probably won't be able to go or I'd be glad to look for the shirts, however if your friend in CA is in the LA area, maybe he can take a look for you.

If they were selling them at the LA Roadster show, they will probably be selling them again at the Grand National Roadster Show which is this coming weekend. I probably won't be able to go or I'd be glad to look for the shirts, however if your friend in CA is in the LA area, maybe he can take a look for you.


Thanks that would be great. My buddy in LA is not the car show type of person, hes just a business associate from years ago that has kept in touch.

Thank you. I know you will be able to see if its the Yella fella at a glance. If it is can you get details of the company thats selling them. Never know they might pay up and then theres a donation to the forum in the pipeline.

hey guys
This is one for us all.
I posted the same message on the piggy forum and got 3 pages of reply's in less than 2 hours. Then Ryan (whom I had PM to say i was going to do it) Closed the thread on me.
Now thats a public Forum, dont you think.


Gerry I think account --have your photots on the piggy? [quote name='Gerry UK' timestamp='1296078953' post='129112'

hey guys
This is one for us all.
I posted the same message on the piggy forum and got 3 pages of reply's in less than 2 hours. Then Ryan (whom I had PM to say i was going to do it) Closed the thread on me.
Now thats a public Forum, dont you think.


In a way Ryan runs a tighter ship than Mike. And Ryan will just cut the thread off at the knees. No explanation. Over there its not all free speech and naughty words. I'll go over and check it out.

Damn, you mean I'm not the lowest S.O.B. to ever run a forum, any more? I'm crushed.

I suppose I need to brush up on my technique, I can't be destroying this reputation I've worked decades to perfect. :devil:

[EDIT] Meant to say I must be getting old. It took me a couple minutes to sort out what the piggy forum meant.
I look through the threads over there from time to time. There are some very talented people on there and some incredible rides. However, it is a bit too edgy for me and I don't really have the time to keep up over there. This site is more my speed and Mike runs it well! :spank:
In a way Ryan runs a tighter ship than Mike. And Ryan will just cut the thread off at the knees. No explanation. Over there its not all free speech and naughty words. I'll go over and check it out.

Well I'm back, and I'd have to say that both sides stated their point, there were the usual jokers, and the usual T (or car) envy as in any t-shirt is good ("I wish my car was good enough to be on a t-shirt") and don't sweat the small stuff. Good cleann open debate. Why Ryan shut it down . ??? Who knows. Ryan does what Ryan does and Mike is the same. All sites are like food. One site is very traditional with lots of expert advice (kind of BBQ, mexican, all kinds of beer, and Jack D) with the other site just as traditional, with the same amount of expertise, without the naughty words (a little more mid american cuisine with some eastern accents and of course, beer).
I always recommend a varied diet and the warning not to consume too much least one becomes fat, bloated, and overly pompous.

Gerry got what he wanted (I think, which was an opinion), and I'll still go to the GNRS and look for t-shirts.

No harm, no foul, no blood. Its the internezzz, John

P.S. Yes, I know that theft of intellectual property and the profiting of that theft is really frustrating, but lot of the time ain't nothing you can do 'bout it it. To paraphrase " and acceptance is the answer to all my problems, if a certain person , place, or thing ...." Accept what has happened, learn from the experience, and move on.
The awful part about this, is someone is sitting in Singapore can be copying tens of thousands of photographs and in a few days can get them distributed all over the world. Sad for Gerry, because once the genie's out of the bottle, it's not that easy to put the cork back in.
Unless the pic includes his tag number or some personal info, the best you can hope for is to scare them with a open threat. The mere picture of a car is not intellectual property the intellectual property would need to include specs and drawings of a documented idea. It is possible to copyright an image if you have an extra 1500 bucks IE the Oscar-mayer wiener mobile. I know this because my brother is an ambulance chaser. That reminds me you know why lawyers don't take Viagra-------------- because it only make them taller.
This is an excellent example why you need to place a watermark on your photos, if you don't want them "stolen" by others. Some online galleries will do it for you.
I had one of my photographs (of a friend's Model A Coupe) stolen, then modified in Photoshop to cartoon it, then the sorry SOBs use it for a logo for their hotrod shop and friended the car club on myspace (this was a few years ago) using that imae as "Thanks for the Add!"

Yes I was furious for a brief amount of time, but then realized that no good at all would come from me spending the time / money / effort to undo what they had done.

Number One - they stole my image.

Number two - they used my friend's car as a logo for their business, in a way that's even worse because THEY didn't build the car and it certainly appears they are attempting to make it appear they did or something.

Here's a shot of Skooter's Model A


I cropped out the thief's shop name ...


Now, I know they have built a few nice cars and can do some great work, but it is a slight misrepresentation to use someone else's build as a logo for your hot rod shop.

And it's also kinda BOGUS to steal someone else's photograph, even though they did highly modify the image in photoshop.

{sarcasm font needed} I LOVE LENS FLARE {/sarcasm}
Gerry, there is/was one company that I think is out of business now or they quit doing their T buckets. It was called Lynbald or something like that. Their bucket looked almost identical to yours cept it was black. I have searched all my pics for it and cannot find it. I know I had some pics somewhere but I'll be damed if I can find them now. That might be the pic you are referring to.
Sorry. I guess I'm just too stupid to understand what all the fuss is about. Unless someone was using an untouched image of ones car to promote themelves or their work, I just don't see the problem. If I saw an image of my car tattoed on a foxy blonds butt that would have to be the ultimate compliment in my book. Heck, I'd even sign it for her :whisper:


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