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Hello everyone


Active Member
I'm Ron Lewandowski - CheapT. My story is a little different. I was starting building a Model A hot rod. It needed a frame, so I built one. Health got in the way and I sold off the A body and the engine and trans I had for it. It sat for a while as a frame, front suspension and rear end. 3 piles. I thought to myself..I build something quick and easy. A T Bucket. I've always liked them especially the ones I'd seen at the car shows. I got Chesters book, Bob Hamilton dvds, rod plans and everything I could soak up. Then I found this site! You guys have helped me through a lot of issues. Lastly, I can say if it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. I now have an greater respect for everyone and anyone that can build a T Bucket!! Oh, go easy on me. This is my first forum of any type...Ron
Welcome aboard CheapT from Oklahoma!

You will find lots of help here, we all love to help and have different area of expertise! And sometimes we just have opinions! LOL !
Thanks you!
Been trying for a while to sign up, I feel I already know some of you guys since I've been a lurker for so long. I forgot to add that I decided on CheapT because I want to see how little I can spend out of pocket and still finish my project. I also don't want a rat T. It has to look nice!
Most people post their build threads in this section.
Project Plans & Updates

You will probably will need 10 posts before you can include pics in your posts, but you should start one in the "Projects, Plans and Updates". One post can be your favorite color, another the engine you plan to use and then ..... well you get the idea.
Welcome from Southeast New Mexico....................
Thank you! Going down to fla in 2 weeks. Can't wait. Vacation and location scouting. Any car shows/ cruise night happening yet? I'll be at Madeira beach and Claremont.
They happen year around. That's the best part of Florida lol. If you have free time take the drive to Don Garlits museum. From Tampa/St. Pete it's about a 2 hour ride but it's worth it.
They happen year around. That's the best part of Florida lol. If you have free time take the drive to Don Garlits museum. From Tampa/St. Pete it's about a 2 hour ride but it's worth it.
Funny you should mention that. I tried to go there when it first listed as open. Nobody could tell me where it was and no one seemed to have ever heard of Don Garlits. I went to auto parts stores car dealerships and everything I could thing of. Nobody heard of him. I assumed it was local protection from bothersome people on the outside. He was one of my favorites as a kid so I'm sure I can talk the gang into it.
Thanks! I appreciate the info. I've only seen parts of the museum that they've shown on tv. He was one of my favorites when I was a kid. A real innovator too.
Drive North on 75 and you can't miss it. Sits right off the interstate

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