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T350 gets hotter than hell in park and smokes?


Hey fellas,
This is a u pull it tranny I pulled from a van at the yard. Was what i was looking for long shaft ect for a build. Few days ago mated it up to my new engine for cam break in. Fired the engine and going through all normal bs getting the cam broke in 2000 rpm varying you know the drill. Transmission is in with converter everything hooked up. Put the tranny in PARK. 5 minutes in notice some smoke coming from the little vent hole top left side of the tranny just behind the bell housing shape. 8 minutes in smoke developing from the transmission all over it seems fans blowing on radiator so air blowing it all over. Shut down touch the tranny and it is hot as hell. Stumped and still wanting to get through the cam ordeal I decide to jack the axle up put it on jack stands and put the tranny in first gear and see what happens. Fire it up wheels instantly go around smooth nice and within minutes the tranny is now cooling down! I can touch the case again bare hand. So there us an issue in Park and also No reverse! So I do have the turbo 350 handbook and the plan is to rebuild the tranny soon. Now sooner than later. But any ideas what might be my issue so I can make darn sure to address it while in there? After ready everything and learning it seems the intermediate band may be engaged while in park also causing no reverse and generating a ton if heat due to it dragging. Bad intermediate servo? Just dont know enough yet about these to know a problem. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
What have you done with the cooler ports?
I have very nice hydraulic hoses going to a brand new aluminum radiator with built in tranny cooler. Nothing changed as stock other than i put a new filter abd oil in it before I bolted it up. Yes something is not right for sure. I would suspect if it wgere a cooling line issue it would not have cooled down when i put it in gear. Nuts never had seen a tranny do something like this and i have put a bunch of these in over the years. Well I will order a kit and tear it down. See what i can dig up. Just hoping to have some Idea what it might be before i get into it.
Check the detent linkage inside, where it activates the valve body. It sounds like the trans is engaging some clutches and isn't actually in park. The problem is likely in the detent linkage or the valve body IF you haven't burnt up some clutches.
Thanks for the reply. I will check that out. I plan to rebuild it at this point anyway so if they are toasted it is not a huge deal.

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