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Tbucketeer Karma!


Well-Known Member
The lights that Lumen promised me just arrived!:) Man, they are near perfect shape! WoW! I LOVE THIS PLACE AND YOU GUYS!



Thank you so much, Lumen!
The forum is taking on a really nice feel to it. Lots of people stepping up to the plate with good info and willingness to send unneeded stuff to other members.

As soon as I get Billet proof out of the way I am going to dig around and see if there is anything I can offer up free, just pay the shipping kind of deal. You guys who have done this are setting a good example for the rest of us. :):)

donsrods said:
The forum is taking on a really nice feel to it. Lots of people stepping up to the plate with good info and willingness to send unneeded stuff to other members.

You guys who have done this are setting a good example for the rest of us. :D:)


It has to start somewhere. Sharing is the bucket spirit. It's what we are.

My story: When I was first getting to know some other bucketheads, I had purchased an original rear T spring from a crazy old coot for 20 bucks. One of the Dallas members bent his spring. I promised to send him the one I had at home as soon as I arrrived. No questions and no requirement for payment. Freebie to keep his rolling. When I returned home from Dallas, I almost had a full sizr truck bed full of parts.

What I didn't use, or replaced, I passed on to others. Other members still provide stuff to me and as you can see, I still trade stuff off. It's a trade spirit. Karma. One has to give in order to recieve grasshopper. (whispers:don't tell the three guys that I'm sending parts to, but I won't ask for shipping! It's a secret!)

Pay it forward, do unto others, heck, just be nice to each other, we all come out way ahead. Maybe one day, I'll be considered a visionary. Vote for Sos for Congress! :)
donsrods said:
Congress h***, with those kind of ethics, I'd vote you in for President! :)


Yep, what Don said. :D
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this site is like a brotherhood. I so hope that never changes here.

donsrods said:
Congress h***, with those kind of ethics, I'd vote you in for President! :lol:


I wouldn't last very long, if I could even get in office. Too many "working man" requirements to get voted in. The silent majority would have to speak up for a change!

No politics, no women, no religion, isn't that the rules generally? I'd better stop before I get on my campaign soap box.

Thanks for the thought.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:;):cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: That's me as prez with my secret service guys.
Youngster said:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this site is like a brotherhood. I so hope that never changes here.


It's not the site, it's not the car, it's the people. It's the spirit of the bucket. I'm not a religion freak, and would hardly call myself religious, certainly most would not. But I believe in Karma, and I believe in doing unto others as you want done to you. Very often, I have to take the first step. But it pays eventually.
Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

I too kind'a like big headlites,the new ones i'm adding to my new build are 30?model "A" stainless steel buckets,but had no insides or lens when i got them,even if they had had,there too dim stock. I'm going to mount some sealbeams back up inside them so they don't show at the lens,because i found some custom lens i like,i think looks cool and very def.:lol:
The new custom lens cost me $4=[ 8.5in.lunchen plates]
Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

"The Bat" out of hell said:
I too kind'a like big headlites,the new ones i'm adding to my new build are 30?model "A" stainless steel buckets,but had no insides or lens when i got them,even if they had had,there too dim stock. I'm going to mount some sealbeams back up inside them so they don't show at the lens,because i found some custom lens i like,i think looks cool and very def.:lol:
The new custom lens cost me $4=[ 8.5in.lunchen plates]

Those are outstanding! Way different!
Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

"The Bat" out of hell said:
... 8.5in.lunchen plates...

before you invest money into adapting them for a sealed beam headlight, there is actually a lot of engineering into the lens of headlights to get optimum performance and light control... you might want to mock up something temporary to see what you are doing with the light to make sure they will perform as you envision before you invest money into them... I think they look cool, but they also have to perform safely to drive at night and control glare to oncoming traffic... you also might want to consider using a H4 halogen socket as an option too...

Just some food for thought from "Lumen" Al... :lol:
Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

Very good points 'Lumen', they are cool looking but might be a bear to adjust. For those of you using a small halogen bulb, the reflector needs to be 'silvered', not chromed. The chrome is to reflective. It's almost impossible to adjust.

Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

Youngster said:
...The chrome is to reflective. It's almost impossible to adjust...


My thought (although not thoroughly thought out) was to perhaps cannabilize a couple of motorcycle headlights designed for the H4 lamps as innards for these... but like I said... was passing thought.
Re: Tbucketeer Karma!/lite's

That's a cool idea. If you want to get your old reflectors re-silvered, check with an antique furnature restorer. They do this all the time with old lamps.

I have to agree with everything said so far. It is so great to see our forum growing and guys helping each other out. I feel motivated to go home and clean out my Only one problem. Do not have many bucket parts on hand to offer up, just the car and I really need more money that shippin for Maybe I will have more T stuff in the future and can be of some help to someone building their own dream. Anyway, thanks for all of the help and advice out there and lets keep this thing going. Thanks!!
ALL VERY GOOD POINTS,With the lunch plates as lens,but with the new sealbeams behing and hiding up inside the bucket they shine out fairly well,much more light on the road then stock with the orig lens and good reflic. No it's not great at making a spot,more just lights up all the road.
So it's note super do'per,but good enough and looks real custom :cool:
If it turn out they get in oncoming cars eye even adjusted down,I may run some small road lights hiding like under the frame rails.
As this build moves along we'll need to see:lol:

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