Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Tech Library


Well-Known Member
Just a reminder that I'm always on the hunt for technical article to publish in the Tech Library.

Jim is going to think I'm putting him on the spot, but he had written up a really great post as a response to some questions in a topic. He had included some good images to help illustrate what he was trying to say and, in my not-so-humble opinion, the post was an excellent example of what a good article should be. TAKE A LOOK.

So, if any of you have seen similar posts on the forums, flag me up on them and I'll promote them to be tech articles. Or, if any of you are keeping careful photographic records of a project you're working on, put a post together in the Tech Library Submissions forum. If you need some help composing the text, holler at me and I'll help you along.

The Tech Library can really end up being a valuable resource for everyone, if we can just get it populated with some articles.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     