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texting bad......


Active Member
texting while driving is bad for your health....
I use to yell at the text drivers in Vegas.
Whilst not supporting text drivers at all, have you noticed the states with distracted driver laws have seen zero accident reductions? Either people aren't all that distracted, or they are merely ignoring the law. But it's going to be tough for other states to put enough spin on the statistics to enact distracted driver laws of their own.

I just lost a close friend in a similar accident. He lost control in a snowstorm, slid across center and the passenger side of the car was vaporized by a school bus. The car was like a Hollywood set. If you looked at it from the driver's side, you couldn't understand how he was killed. Except there was nothing left of the passenger side.
there wasn't much left of this guy...I'm not going to post the photo's after they got him out.
lets just say one person....two body bags. :rofl:
They just enacted the distracted driving law up here, the first couple months they were handing out warnings. In Feb they started handing out the $155-$500 fine to drivers.

I am all for the law (though I have to admit to breaking it once or twice). I really wish they would bring back the "fix it ticket" I am tired of driving behind vehicles that have either 1 or no working brakes lights. Even better when you point it out to the driver and they reply "Oh I know"....
Yea.. Its a shame that we need to pass a law in the first place. A law like this was enacted in Ct. and from what I see on the roads none too soon. I still see people on their phones, texting, shaving, putting on make up etc. all the time.

A friend of mine has a 17 year old daughter who has already had two crashes because she was texting or on her phone. And she considers herself a "good driver" :wow: She's had her license for eight months. Next week she has an appointment with a Judge and they will most likely pull her license. Her last crash involved a stopped school bus, just how do you miss a large yellow vehical with flashing lights?

If your not sure on your states laws check out this sight

For more on this crash see (They did cover the nasty bits)
Nova Scotia (and some other provinces) have a no "hand held devices" law. Hands-free cell is ok but that's about it.
Does that stop people texting and calling? Nope. Idiots.
When you see a big rig coming down the highway (or worse.. on small town streets) and the driver has his cell to his ear... you give a wide birth.
And then you get the people who have no idea of what a stop sign means...
Put the two together: scary.

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